Saturday, August 30, 2014


I was up early this morning - even though it's a holiday I had wanted to get some stuff done - like starting to clear off my desk. I do not know where it all comes from - except that I just dump things there once I have looked at them rather than actually putting them away. I do try to better and some days I actually am (for maybe a day or two) but then I slip back into my old (not so good) habits. And when I do tidy up, it's usually to put all my papers together and out of sight and then, of course, it makes it very hard to find anything - so I don't usually even think about bothering until there is something I absolutely have to find - like the other day when I needed my Passport. I had put it somewhere "safe" and I did eventually find that - but not until I had looked everywhere else!

RAAF in action

Pearl and I went for our walk down the lane again this morning but because I didn't have to be out at any set time, I took the camera with me, hoping to get another shot of the Plover chicks ... but not to be. I couldn't even find them this morning - but I did see a hot air balloon with Royal Australian Air Force insignia flying over the valley. I couldn't help but think of Pa and his cadets, or the fact that at one point they would have used hot air balloon for purposes of war. I read the other day that it was back in 1928 this week that nations signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact - whose aim it was to outlaw war. It didn't work.

No plovers ... but ducks.

Tinka was back on our bed last night, and after she had breakfast, she went back there again. She seems very comfortable ... I'm not so sure about Sooz all the time though because she seems to sleep around Tink ... and yes, this is the same Tink who spagged Sooz the other night. Hmmm ... that's funny, I just went to have a look for the dictionary definition of "spag" and there doesn't seem to be one. When we talk about "spag" we're talking about cats, in bed, late at night, who sink their claws into your foot when you come too close to them ... not necessarily on purpose - but either way the upshot is that the human is usually way more careful after that.

What? No beret?

Syl and An arrived home this morning and we dropped in on them after we'd had breakfast. They are both in good form and happy to be home - both say they have had a great rest - even with their drive of "500 miles across the desert" - including Nevada!

Syl came for a look at the house with us and brought her tape measure as well so we could find out how big the boxes that we'll be stacking on the garage shelves need to be. An stayed home to finish some washing and then to go out and do some shopping. They were both intending to stay up for the whole day, hoping that would put them back into sync with Australian time more quickly.

We didn't do any house shopping today - but we did talk about where furniture will go and the item we are finding it the hardest to assign a home is the television! We've almost made a decision about the desk in the office and how that will work ... and I think both Sooz and I are going to be happy with the solution.

Even though Pearl's medication seems to be working, she is still having a bit of trouble just after she stands up. I think itwould be easier for her if she didn't lie directly on the tiles but she is obviously too hot to stay on her bed!


Friday, August 29, 2014


It's raining ...

It was raining this morning and for a moment I didn't think Pearl and I were going to go for a walk, but something prevailed - I am not sure what it was ... although they have now found a part of the brain which is responsible for exercise - so maybe it had something to do with that. It didn't rain on us - so that was a good thing ... but I made sure I had my umbrella in the car because I was sure it was going to be wet at some point during the day. I didn't have to wait long because by the time I made it to Zarraffa's it was raining quite heavily and I told Michael (who served me) that I would be staying there until the rain stopped. I was hoping at that point that it would be a very long while ... I'd much rather be in a coffee shop almost any day but especially when it is cold and raining!

The day passed fairly quickly though - it has a way of doing that at EOM ... and the good news is that we are on top of things enough that we don't need to go back in tomorrow to do "stuff" although I think Ch was taking home one supplier's dockets and I have another - there is just no way you can really get in to the nitty-gritty of some things in the office when there are other people around - because even though they may not be talking to you, they are "there" and that in itself can be a bit distracting.

After work, I didn't go straight home but took the opportunity of "no numbers" tonight to do some reading - getting ready for signing the loan documents - and some general quiet time and thinking of what we are going to achieve in the next few weeks.

I was still home by 7 though and Sooz, who had done the furries for M, was happy with the little bit of extra protein (Mongolian Lamb) that came home with me to go with the Pad Thai (left-over from Luke's the other night).

The furries are amazing where they put themselves in the evening. Maggie has a new space - between the cushions on the two-seater lounge in the other living area; Tinka is putting herself on Pearl's bed, and Pearl ... well, she goes wherever there's room near Sooz (if M isn't home, and then she's with her).

The rain had stopped by this evening - which meant there was a good chance our roadworks would go ahead unhindered - it has been a bit hit and miss with the torrential downpours some nights recently - not to mention the rain during the day ... but we are getting there. And come to think of it, I don't think I did mention that AC finished with us the other day. It is going to be quite quite different without her cheery countenance in the Office and I'm not sure anyone else is going to be able to step in and take over her Morale Officer duties. The other person to leave this week was Ben ... a really nice chap - very efficient and with a love of writing/planning on the (metal) walls of his office. I guess what they say is true ... there is nothing as constant as change!


Thursday, August 28, 2014


Plovers - where are you? They really are moving those chicks around the paddocks. M was saying she wouldn't be surprised if they actually take them across to La's at some point - seeking shelter in the longer grass over there.

The big decision of the afternoon was whether to go to Tallai Trivia or not. Part of me would have been happy staying home, eating those Luke leftovers and doing some house paperwork. But Trivia won out and we were there at 7, ordering our dinner and keeping a lookout for M's mate from JPs - which wasn't going to be a problem because Sooz has met him and she remembers what people look like - most of the time anyway. We would have said "all of the time" had it not been for her encounter with "Doug" this morning. She and M were over at the new house for the pest and building inspections and building inspector Scott came out at one point and said he was done - which Sooz thought was him saying "I'm Doug" and she introduced herself, not realising it was in fact Scott. It just goes to show that all this house stuff is a bit on the stressful side! It was good they went though - because they were able to talk with both Scott and pest-man Chris and find out that there are no issues with the property. Great news! While they were over that way, Sooz also did some business at HarbourTown - including calling in at the bank and picking up a cheque for the stamp duty and some documents for signature. I was very grateful - it saved me the trip.

We didn't win at Trivia tonight but we're getting a bit used to that now ... but not that used to it that we want it to continue! An and Na were in good form although both have had the lurgy since we last saw them. But they're back on top of it and both are fighting fit ... and I've just realised I neglected to ask them how their bowling is going. Next time.

M was just finishing off her ironing (I think) when we arrived home so we left her to it while Sooz went to bed to very reluctantly read the last few pages of her Helen Garner book - she has been rationing the read ever since she got it but we all knew she wouldn't be able to do that indefinitely. I made a Milo and settled in to do half an hour of "puddling" and browsing until I finally stopped pretending that I was being in the slightest bit productive and put myself to bed.


Lars ... going ...

Those Plovers are playing musical paddocks - I suppose they have to to ensure the safety of the chicks ... but that notwithstanding, it does make it a bit difficult to keep track of them.

It was another busy day today, and a bit sad as well because today we said goodbye to Lars. He has been a fantastic car over the years and we have many fond memories of trips and times with him. I had to do the doings with the man who came to take him away so I had to be there - but Sooz didn't come out - she didn't want to. It marks the end of an era and just about the last tangible link with her Dad (another reason we were glad to call the new car Billi - great suggestion M!).

... going ... gone.

M was in Brisbane today and surprised Sooz and I by bringing Luke Nguyen Vietnamese home for dinner. It was magnificent and definitely better than the best Vietnamese we've been able to find on the Coast to date. There was a great selection too - which included our very favourite rice paper rolls together with what tasted like a satay chilli sauce. Yum. But even better was that there was way too much of it - so there are leftovers for lunch and possibly even a dinner.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Found them! The Plovers have moved a couple of paddocks towards B's! They were kind enough not to divebomb Pearl and I as we walked past but any birds that flew within their general proximity were chased out - no questions asked.

Trivia was tonight and we were joined by So who arrived today before she and Vi set off or their holiday next week. They will have a one day overlap with An and Syl who are scheduled to fly back in or Friday. Vi appears to be on the mend from the various incarnations of her lurgy and is even thinking of doing Aqua on Wednesday - which would be great as Sooz and M were the only two who showed up today. Je went ahead with the class for them though so they were pleased with that.

Why is it so hard to go back to work after a great weekend? The good news is that because of the Show, it's only a four-day week and while that isn't totally ideal because it is EOM, we'll cope!

On the way home I put Billi into stealth mode (aka CJM) to see if I could sneak up on the Plovers without startling them - but they have moved again: this time further down into the same paddock. M found them this time - and she is a bit concerned because the further away they are from the house, the harder it is to protect them.


I had some correspondence from the Solicitors today and I foolishly sat down to read it when we returned from Trivia. The next time I looked up it was five minutes before midnight and even though I had taken off my work oranges before Trivia, I began to worry there might be a pumpkin transformation coming on ... so it was then that I made the executive decision not to try to find my Passport tonight ... I know it's in a safe place - somewhere - I just have to remember which one!

Tinka was already settled in bed by the time I got there ... and she looked fairly comfy! I didn't have the heart to move her, so I crawled in around her. yes I know we spoil those furries but they are absolutely worth it!


Sunday, August 24, 2014


It is so odd not doing the furries in the morning - but M does them on the weekend so I sleep in. She was up early making a cup of tea before into the Skype call with Tr. Tr, although cold in Sydney, was in good form especially when the sun threatened to come out in time for their walk this morning.

They're here ... they're here!

They're here ... they're here ... the Plover chicks are finally here! I'd checked last night and there was no sign of activity ... and again this morning when I got up ... but it wasn't until later that M spotted them - first one, then two, then three little plover chicks. The mother (?) was still shifting on the nest and M thought there had been four eggs there in total so there's a chance there will still be another chick. We had to leave for the Markets before we were sure though ... but we'll be able to count them again when we get back.

They're gone ... they're gone ... the plovers have moved out and there's no sign that they were ever there. I'm not sure what they do with the shells from the eggs but I couldn't find any sign of them either - which would be a great protection mechanism if they could get rid of the shell remains so predators wouldn't know there were chicks about. And so much for being able to count them when we arrived home. But it was such a thrill to have seen them this morning! And to be able to get a photo of them.

While the Plovers were moving out, we were off at the Markets having coffee and bread with tomatoes, cucumbers and cheese. Yum. After that, Sooz and I were back on the Retail Trail, this time in search for a new mattress and some bedside tables. We were not disappointed.

And neither was M tonight. She had taken herself off to a Draw at TBH and walked away with a prize! Well done M!


We breakfasted at The Big House - they do make the best toast. As Mouse pointed out, we (at least me) go to Spinners for toast and to Zen for the water. What can I say ... both are excellent! Would they have been more or less excellent without the wait this morning? We'll never know but I am sure there are some economic principles covering this - like Diminishing Utility which definitely didn't apply as that second piece of toast this morning was as good as the first. But what was absolutely marvellous - and which was amazing at first taste was the mashed potato at Mouse's this evening. Yum! They say your tastebuds become less sensitive as you age - so that mash really packed a punch! There was enough to send home for Fl who couldn't make it to dinner - he had a previous arrangement with his brother and The Bledisloe Cup. Pity ... he missed a great meal and a great evening.

Mouse, M and Sooz went off to see a movie at The Arts Centre this afternoon. I gave it a miss - I was planning to do some "stuff'' but didn't quite get there ... but that was okay because I caught up with Li and El on Skype. And with De on the phone. It i's amazing how things just keep happening to people! Both Li and El have retirement dates set now and they are busy planning their post-retirement activities including a trip up this way early next year.

Otherwise it was a quiet day of retail activity; Sooz and I found a couch we like - actually two - so we bought them. The good news is I scored a pen in the deal too!

Dinner was at Mouse's - cabbage rolls! It's been a while since we've had them - not since before Mouse and M went overseas. They are still as good! Is there nothing Mouse can't cook well? We haven't found it yet if there is something.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


It rained overnight and when I crawled out of bed (I really didn't want to get up) Pearl had taken herself back to bed so there was no walk for her. Still, that was no reason for me not to go and I promised myself that if the rain started again, then I could surely turn around and race home without getting wet. Luckily for me, it didn't!

There are those rainy days where it is cold and you think ... this would be a good day to stay home in bed or watching DVDs (or maybe both) and from the moment I arrived at work, I knew I would rather be somewhere else. That must have shown at some point because at just after 1, the boss came out and said to Ch and I that if we were on top of things (and we were although I think that not being would have stopped us!) we could go at 2. I needed no second invitation so I told Sooz to let her know I would be on the way soon and did she want anything.

At that point, I was still sure that I was going to the Pistol Club for air pistol tonight, but once I had settled in to home, even having a nana nap - I realised that I wasn't going. I'm going to be sorry tomorrow, I know that now, because it is going to be raining - it's been forecast to rain for most of the weekend - and if there's rain there's no shooting (for me anyway). Ah well, it is about priorities, and I don't think I have done too badly this week.

The plover is still sitting on the eggs out in Hermes' paddock and given that this is the second lot of soaking rain in a week, M is concerned the eggs are not viable. We did look up the usual times on the weekend, and it takes about 28 days from egg to chick. None of us is sure how long it's been now and I didn't note it down.

Meanwhile, under the front roof, there is much activity in the swallows nest - none of which is going unnoticed by Tinka and Maggie who are still spending a fair amount of time out there "standing guard". There is one bird sitting on the eggs, and the other one brings food - and, if you're out there - tries to draw attention away from the nest.

Inside again, and Sooz had a big IM chat with her brother tonight. He is still in hospital but very much "on the mend" although there was some talk of a minor operation to "stitch him up" (which has more to do with how they've been draining his lung, to some form of humorous set-up).


The pest inspection has been booked for next week, the papers are signed, the deposit has been handed over ... the process is underway. Now we just have to think about other things ... like furniture, where we are going to put it, where bookshelves will go, whether to do anything about the kitchen and bathrooms (not that they really need anything urgently) before we move in. And, of course, there will be the ubiquitous moving checklists to make sure we haven't forgotten anything important. The one I'm the least keen about is changing addresses with various institutions. At this point, I'm thinking we will keep our mailbox - and that means we don't have to do everything straight away once settlement has taken place and we move - and, not that we need one, an excuse for coming out this way to visit M and the furries ... and to drink in all that Latimers has to offer. I, for one, am really going to miss living here. It has been incredibly wonderful over the 4+ years that we have been here and while it has had its moments - by far the majority of them have been positive, uplifting and worth sharing.

But we haven't gone yet ...

Ka came yesterday and she suggested that perhaps Pearl's medication could be dropped back to half the original dose to see if she is less active on that. Truly, Pearl is bouncing all over the place ... running rather than walking up the lane ... but on the positive side, she is moving much more freely than she was - and that is good to see. Even going to the toilet - getting down into the right position - would leave her sore so this is a definite improvement.

Pearl is much quieter on the floors now that M had her nails clipped (and Maggie's too). Thankfully, though, they haven't been clipped so much that she can sneak up on the cat dinners - as we know she likes doing - that would be a real worry.

This should keep us going

Sooz read on FB today that her brother, Ch, has been re-admitted to hospital. He had been there soon after his return from Australia, having fluid drained off his lungs (1.5L of blood) following an injury some weeks ago when he fell off his bike. It hadn't bothered him that much at the time, but he was sore (flu-ey thing didn't help and he had cracked that rib ... or perhaps just finished what the fall from his bike had started). He was released from that but he has re-admitted because, I think this was how he put it to Sooz, the doctors hadn't realised how different the semi-rural setting of the island where he lives from the metropolis that is Hong Kong proper. Anyway, Sooz is very concerned about him and we are waiting on an update.

Meanwhile, Thursday is CSP night and M and I went into TBH to try our luck. Unfortunately, our luck was obviously off trying itself somewhere else because neither she nor I walked away winners this time. I will need to give this some further thought as to why my usual strategy is not working ... and as I write that, I think it may be that I have changed my table play. Anyway, once I build up my stake again ... there's a theory I can go and check out.

Dinner - at Zen - was nice though. It was the usual ... which, as we all know, is different each and every time we have it. There were differences though ... no Chinese tea tonight - just Zen's wonderful water ... no tofu/nut/bean bowl for "entree" and no chocolates proffered with the bill ... although the waiter quickly rectified that ... bringing some over and asking if that was enough - before opening his other hand and putting about three times as many again onto the table.

Friday, August 22, 2014


What a busy day! And thank goodness for Superman next door who was able to provide the name of a pest and building inspection company and I rang them this afternoon and they will arrange the inspections for mid-next week. I can be there for them or they will ring me when they're done with a verbal report.

Meantime, I was able to get on to the solicitor today and by the close of business today, Ben, our new solicitor, had reviewed the contract, discussed them with me and given the go-ahead to pay the deposit. Which was good because I had left work early to go to the bank to get a cheque. While I was there, Sh organised our contents insurance so we don't have to worry about that now.

I'm so glad that it isn't EOM at work otherwise it would have been much more difficult to get away from work early today - and to make those phone calls at break times.

The girls went to Aqua today and then on to lunch with Mouse and Vi at Ferry Road. Then M drove Sooz over to HarbourTown and I met them there at Zarraffa's after I had finished at the bank. M didn't stay for a coffee ... and neither did we ... we were straight off to the agents to hand over the deposit. Afterwards, I resisted the urge to do a drive-past and have another look. There will be plenty of time for that on the weekend.


It's a bit hard to keep track of what happens when you haven't made notes along the way. I meant to but that didn't happen.

The day was long ... I remember that much at least because we had made the offer on the property and I was at work while Sooz, M and Fl went along for another look. They were there at 10 with the agent - and luckily both M and Fl could make it because both had other appointments this morning/afternoon. While they were there, Fl managed to strike up a conversation with one of the neighbours to find out more about the surroundings including that in the 10 years St has lived in the street, the area has not flooded (that was one of my concerns), it is a very quiet street, and there are no midges.

It wasn't until late this afternoon that we received word that the seller has accepted our offer. Now we start the process - finding a solicitor (thanks Sh - aka Superman - boy from next door at work - for the recommendation) and all the other things that need doing. Very exciting though!

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Well we received word today that the agents may have found a tenant to rent the duplex we are keen to buy (for the right price that is). This would not be the world's best news so we took ourselves over there this afternoon to make an offer. We had great discussions in the car on the way over as to how much we should go in (taking into account all the advice we have had on this) and who should do most of the talking (me ... as An had correctly noted in her email, Sooz is a lover not a fighter!) I don't think we did too badly because when we left, we hadn't increased our offer and the agent will take that to the seller. Fingers crossed.
Of course there was Trivia to take our minds off that and we were stunned when the winning Team (not us) scored 79 out of a possible 80. Points were not at that stage deducted for the extra people in their team (as is supposed to happen) but as they proclaimed - they would have won anyway! Good luck to them! We were not on the podium again - even with excellent help from Vi - so we are waiting for the reassembly of our team (when the three of them get back from OS) to see how much of a difference that makes to our performance!

Monday, August 18, 2014


The plover is still sitting on the nest and it doesn't look as though it will be getting up any time soon. M has been over to check and the eggs have not yet hatched and she is starting to wonder if they are still viable. I have wanted to go over and have a look but didn't want to disturb them again ... not for a photograph anyway ... although I'm not sure I will be so restrained once the eggs do hatch.

We have the possibility of more hatchlings at Latimers too. The swallows have returned to the nest out the front and it appears that we have a parent bird spending a lot of time there at the moment ... sitting. I think I also heard some baby bird twitters when I was at home sick the other day ... but we may only really be able to tell once the heads start popping up over the top, their little beaks open and waiting for food to be dropped in. This goes a long way to explain why the furries are spending so much time out there. The other day Tinka was in one of the chairs and Maggie was sitting on the ground under her. I'm not sure if either knew the other was there.

The Markets were good this morning - only a small crowd - small enough to have a good conversation. And there was some of that ... ranging from property talk, to parenting talk, to talk of the garden and the fruit trees that didn't make it when Fl and his siblings got to them.

After the Markets, Sooz and I went for a drive over to Labrador to have another look at the duplex, this time in the sunshine. We went around to the reserve it backs on to and had a look and I was pleased that the sun bathed most of the covered deck - so that was a good sign. We went to call in on the agent but as it was Sunday, they weren't there so we'll have to catch up with them tomorrow.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


Even though I had the option to sleep in this morning as M was doing the furries, I was still awake just after 5. It must be that in-built alarm clock (circadian rhythm?) coming to the fore because my real alarm was set for after 7 - which was going to give us tons of time to get ready and be in town for breakfast at Daniel Stuart's with M ... and Fl as it turned out. He phoned about half-way through breakfast to see what we were up to ... and he turned up soon afterwards. He was in fine form and told Sooz about a documentary he had seen on Aljazeera television - on Muslims in France. She will be taping it this evening.

After breakfast, Sooz had arranged some real estate appointments. Before then, though, we decided we would go for a drive through the suburb and get our bearings. We ended up going past one shopping centre at least three times, maybe four, and it seemed that we did it from a different direction each time. I still don't know how that was possible. But, the good news is that with a little help from Siri, we managed to be at our first appointment on time. This was a property that Sooz really liked - but in the end, alas, it didn't meet all our criteria ... but another few properties later, and we were at one that did tick all the right boxes. Sooz will take M and Fl there on Tuesday to have another look - and then, all going well with the bank, we'll make an offer. Fingers crossed!!

Lunch was at the Q Centre - Sooz had something with Prawns and I had something with Wontons. Yumm. Then it was home ... and I thought Sooz would drive straight into her new Helen Garner book ... and she would have if she had remembered. It still amazes me that a book that isn't going to be released for two weeks is available on iBooks today. It's good for Sooz that it is - because she really wants to start reading it now that she knows about it.

M did call in on Vi today. She is still taking it easy and eschewing contact because she doesn't want to risk passing it on to other people - and a movie was out as well, because she didn't want to annoy other patrons with her coughing.

M went back in to dinner with Mouse and Se who is visiting. He is looking to invest in property in Brisbane and was there today and will have another look tomorrow before returning home to Sydney.

It's been raining most of the day - a good soaking rain which means that the plants are just lapping it up. Hopefully it will continue for the next couple of days as forecast!


It was just a bit foggy this morning - absolutely wonderful really. Pearl and I only went half-way up the lane this morning though - she was very stiff and sore, limping on her front left leg ... so I decided we shouldn't push it ... especially since there wasn't going to be any breakfast from me this morning again.

... in the mist

Ma shouted everyone who wanted a coffee at work today. It was a wonderful gesture and greatly appreciated by the troops especially those who had wanted to take part in the Zarraffa's run and had resorted to cleaning out the coins in their car console rather than break a $50 note.

We haven't had a proper "tuckshop Friday" for a while and we missed out again today as Ch is about to launch into a 6-week healthy eating campaign (she has apologised in advance for how unbearable she will be) and decided to get a jump on it today.

M had an interesting day today ... as she was arriving at the shopping centre for JP duty, Bertha conked out. It turned out to be battery-related - more specifically that the terminal connections had come loose. Luckily it appears to have happened when M drove over speed humps in the car park - because it could have happened anywhere on the way between home and there which could have led to Bertha just stopping where she was. That may have been bad ... very bad depending on where it happened - so in the car park was definitely a "safe" option.. The RACQ man was very good at diagnosing the problem - and had done so before M had escorted him to the vehicle. It was an easy fix - reconnect the terminals - but all is not well yet - the step before the RACQ was the guy who checked the battery for the remote - and now the remote/immobiliser appears not to be working. So M drove to The Big House for the Tom Burlinson concert in her other car. Tom was supported by Ms Ingrid James who did the first set. It wasn't bad - and maybe I'm being a bit fussy, but I distinctly thought they could do better.

Just as well we'd snacked before going as it was quite late by the time the theatre let out. The crowd had mixed reviews about the show, but mostly positive.

The Jazz Festival is on in Broadbeach over the weekend and Rhonda Burchmore and Grace Knight are both doing gigs tomorrow afternoon/evening. Hopefully, weather and other engagements permitting, we'll make it to see at least one of them. Also on the list of people to see Vi - who is staying at Syl and An's while they are away. She has been unwell - I think with a similar lurgy to mine. M is planning to drop over to see her tomorrow to catch up and to take the dogs for a bit of a walk as they have been confined to barracks with Vi.

My Statement of Attainment for my gun safety course arrived today. It does give me some hope that my brain is still working and that one day I could engage in further study. Of course, just how long that knowledge will be retained is a whole other question.


Thursday, August 14, 2014


The furries haven't forgotten their morning routine so that's encouraging although Pearl may have wondered about me. I usually give her a couple of breakfast cookies - but not this morning. She has been bleeding from the mouth again and M thinks it has something to do with her new cookies - which are the only thing that's changed in her diet, so I was hesitant to give her any. Since M and Sooz were scheduled to have an early start this morning, I was fairly sure that Pearl wouldn't have too long to wait until someone fed her.

She was good on our walk though - even when it started to spit (but not much more) on our way back from B's. It's a shame because we really do need the rain. All the grass has been either burned off by the frost or is badly in need of water. There's rain forecast for the weekend and hopefully that will eventuate.

It was odd being awake for the whole day today - especially after having so much sleep over the last few days (which I'm sure did me the world of good). Mind you, it was fairly busy at work with a few issues to sort out, a spreadsheet to create, and some catch-up with what I could have done except I was off with the lurgy. The amazing thing is that it still manages to be there after a couple of days away!

Tonight was the Safety Course at the Pistol Club and I was surprised that there were about ten of us in total. I had Ross (not Kate - Syl had her) and it all ran quite smoothly - including the safety video which looked to be about 30 years old - based on the fashions and the hair cuts. The girl reminded us all of Charlene from Neighbours - before she became Kylie Minogue the Pop Queen. But the safety points are still valid and in this case it's probably the old "if it's not broken don’t fix it" in action.

Sooz could have gone out to Mouse's for dinner with M and Fl but I think she was fairly tired from real estate looking. I think she and M looked at about 8 properties today and Sooz and I will revisit some of them on the weekend (and maybe a few new ones). It's a good start - checking out what is available and seeing how much "bang" you can get for your buck. One of the agents was saying this is a good time to buy on the Coast - although possibly not to sell because the prices are on a par with those about ten years ago.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Monday - Wednesday

Well, there are some days I will never get back. But it was a good rest - if you call nearly 48 hours of sleep while deep in lurgy territory "rest". But I am feeling much better now and I think I'm going to be on deck and ready to go back to work tomorrow ... and this time I'll be more productive than I was on Monday ... it was all I could do to stay awake at my desk! That was my first clue that I wasn't feeling well! When I arrived home on Monday afternoon, I was getting ready to go to Trivia when Sooz thought it was probably better that I didn't go. As M said, I looked "like death warmed up". Amazingly I didn't feel like that until a bit later.

I have a couple of memories of yesterday ... one was that Mac came around and dumped something on the burning pile down the back. He said it was easier than doing it on Friday. I didn't question him on that. And that was about my only lucid memory of yesterday ... oh, wait, Sooz made lamb curry, the old-fashioned way. That was nice ... I had started with only a very small serve, but then had to have a touch more. Then it was back to bed for me. I think Maggie came with me at least for a while.

Today was just as vague. I woke up at five and had promised myself that I did, I would go to work, but once I had done breakfast for the furries, the only place I wanted to go was back to bed. I next woke up just as Sooz and M were going off to Aqua, then lunch, and some errands I think. Sooz picked me up some eye drops - and as soon as I put them in this afternoon when they returned, I realised how sore my eyes have been. (Sooz suggested they hadn't looked that great either.)

The one thing I do remember about Monday night is that the moon was absolutely fantastic! It was a Super Moon and it hung in the sky, yellow and enormous thanks to the Ptolemy effect.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


I was running a couple of minutes late for the Skype call with Tr this morning but she'd only just gotten out of bed so it was okay. Life is good for them and Tr was saying she's just received an invitation to Government House for an event with Governor Marie Bashir which will be her farewell as well. They are very much looking forward to it (the event, not the departure of the Governor).

It was a return to The Markets today and we were a small group - just five of us. Syl and An had planned to come but Vir was not feeling well so they missed it. That was okay though because we caught up with them this afternoon to wish them a "Bon Voyage" before they set off early in the morning. Vir was still not right this afternoon and An was tending her with alternating hot and cold packs. She was showing signs of improvement though and they're hoping she will be back on her feet tomorrow because they won't be there to look after her.

It was a shame they were in Brisbane last night because otherwise they could have joined us for dinner at Entwine at TBH. It was wonderful though - and just in time because last night was Entwine's last night before both it and Vivo close. Vivo will be back in December in a bigger and better incarnation .... Entwine's space will be replaced by a bar and Tapas cafe. I'm glad we made it there though ... thank you M. The food was wonderful and even though I usually have my steak medium-well, when I decided to have "The butterknife steak", so called because they serve it with a butterknife because that's all you need to cut it with, I decided to go with "medium" so as not to offend the Chef (too much). It was truly magnificent and, no joking, on the first mouthful I felt so joyful I could have cried! The others were as happy with their dishes I think, and certainly the entrees and desserts ... and oh my goodness ... the bread ... the butter ... were all way up there as well. Yum!

We were up a little late last night but not too late ... but still this morning I kept turning the alarm off so I ended up getting up half an hour later than planned ... and being just that few minutes late for the call with Tr.

But we weren't late for the movie today ... we decided to catch the 11:40 session as we were breakfasting at The Markets. This was almost the earliest we have left The Markets - and it was much much easier to make the decision given there were only the five of us.

The movie was "The Hundred-Foot Journey", set in France, with an Indian family setting up a restaurant across the road from a Michelin-Star restaurant. Of course, there's more to it than that but that's the basis of what is a very enjoyable "feel good" movie (if, like "Slumdog Millionaire", you ignore the opening!). And speaking of feel-good movies, Sooz saw a trailer yesterday for the sequel to the Marigold Hotel movie. It looks great ... and the only thing we're not looking forward to is that it isn't due to be released until next year.


Siblings at the station

We were all up early this morning - M was off to her deep water running and we were getting ready to take Ch to the train so he could catch his plane back to Hong Kong. He was due to fly out at 10:30 so we had him on the 6:49 train. That left us over an hour and a half before we were due to pick Mouse up for breakfast so off we went to the beach - to watch the water and the activity that seems to gravitate there. Sooz spent some time watching two guys at the car parked in front of ours pulling on wet suits - which looked like very hard work. Who knew they were so hard to pull up and position just so. And then they were off - running down the dune and across the sand to the water.

Fruit plate post-Lamb

We were ten minutes early to Mouse's and waited across the road for her - until it was time. She must have been watching out for us though because she called out to us saying "Coming" - and there she was.

Breakfast was good. We went to One50 at Bundall, across the roads from the Gold Coast Arts Centre ... yes, the same place we went to on the morning of the "dead body, vomit and degloved hand" conversation. There were none of those this morning. And there wasn't an An either. She had taken herself off to the hairdressers - and when we thought babout it, the timing wasn't that surprising given she and Syl set off for the States in a couple of days. Vi was there though and she seems to have recovered from her feet operations (she had both done at once even though her surgeon had recommended that she have them done individually) and the better news (for us anyway) is that she is keen to do Trivia in An's place on Monday!

After breakfast, Sooz and I went to Espresso to have Billi washed. yes - No-Name finally has a name! Sooz and I have been working on it for a couple of days and when we were talking about it last night at dinner (Sooz bedinnered us with a fantastic lamb roast) it was M who came up with the name. It works on a number of levels.


Saturday, August 9, 2014


I took the day off to spend with Ch and Sooz. I went to work but decided I didn't want to stay. In fact, when I saw the balloons coming down over Carrara all I wanted to do was follow them - and it was all I could do to make myself go to work. By the time I got there though I didn't want to stay so I decided to tell M that I wanted to go home so I coulkd spend time with my brother-in-law. I was very careful to say the real reason, not pretend I was feeling poorly because tomorrow is Saturday and there is no way I want to tempt any kind of lurgy to come calling - bad enough that there is a real possibility of picking up something from Pat.

Up on the roof

Syl came out to the farm today - something to do with taking the caravan to have the brakes looked at. They said, again, that there was nothing wrong with it - but this time they spent half an hour fixing the something that wasn't wrong. Then she was back - they had done the fix while she waited - and when she confirmed we would be around for a while, she pulled out the ladder and launched herself on to the roof of the portico to clear out the gutters. The tobacco weed that had been growing up there now isn't and the build-up of leaf detrius from the bohemia tree has now been reassigned to the garden as mulch. It was a bit "spooky" - apparently M had dreamt about those gutters last night - so there could have been some telepathy happening there.

I must say that while that would have been a good trick, I am in awe of how Syl backs the caravan into the stables shed. It took her a while this morning - there's a fence on one side so there isn't a lot of manoeuvre room but if it had been me, there wouldn't be a shed now.



Chr and Pat finally arrived around lunchtime today just a little later than Jen who dropped in to see Sooz. Jen is ecstatic ... she finally has an iPhone. I wouldn't say it was "love at first sight" but it wasn't far from it. She is so impressed by what they can do - and she doesn't know the half of it yet.

We had arranged to go out to dinner near the beach with Chr and Pat over near Main Beach and Syl and M were coming too. Syl was getting there under her own steam but we had to have a quick discussion about how the rest of us were getting there. I didn't think everyone would have been comfortable in No-Name after we had shoe-horned us all in so we decided both M and I would drive - she would take Sooz and Chr and I would bring Pat. Alas, Pat was not well - the poor kid has always suffered from some kind of respiratory ailment and he has a cold to go with it now.

Who knew the Club where we were having dinner would be so busy on a Thursday night. We were just in time for the Member Draw - unfortunately M did not win it or the second chance draw - and then for the raffle with 30 or so prizes - and none of us were lucky in that one either.

Dinner was good - Sooz, Chr and Pat shared a seafood platter - and it was as good as we remembered. The only way it could have been better is if it had been light and bright (and maybe a bit quieter) - but light and bright so there could have been a view of the ocean. We did get to hear it though and that was nice.

On the way home, I took Chris, and M took Sooz and P back via the late-night chemist so they could stock up on drugs for him. He was so crook he can't have had that fantastic a time. Ch is good although he has a bit of a lurgy himself - just the dregs at this point, It was so bad at one stage that when he was in bed, he coughed and cracked a rib. He's still trying not to laugh because it hurts too much. (Why don't you take painkillers into the forest? Because the parrots eat them all! [That would be paracetamol.])


Admin staff was a bit sparse on the ground at work today ... Ch was away sick and AC left at half-time because she still has her mother with her as they still have errands to run before her Mum returns home. Still, the peace and quiet was good and I was able to start catching up on some of the paperwork I've been neglecting as we ploughed through that enormous backlog of invoices.

It was a good lead-in to shooting this evening. It's the start of the multi-week competition - I think six or eight - and you can shoot on either Wednesday night or Friday night. If you choose to shoot both, they take your best score of the two nights. The good news is that the shoot - air pistol - takes only a couple of hours so I was home by 7:30. That would have been important had I been wanting to watch the final episode of "Offspring" - which started at 8:30. This was the last episode of "Offspring' for this season, possibly ever as they haven't yet decided if they will be going into production for the next season. It ended well - if there isn't another episode there are no loose ends to wonder about.

Sooz's brother Chr is due tomorrow. Pat is driving him up from Kyogle and we are looking forward to Pat staying the night as well. At first it looked as though he wouldn't be able to but then Louise who he was supposed to be driving to her music lesson in the afternoon, took the day off to spend with Chris, saying she was sick, and by the end of the day she was. So no music lesson for her and no driving her there for Pat.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


I could have had an earlier night last night, especially as I was still tired from the weekend - so I have resolved to be in bed by 9:30 tonight. We will see how close 1 get!

It was another busy yet satisfying day at the office and I managed to get away on time without feeling I needed to give a reason (read: excuse).

2arraffas was busy this morning. ... and this afternoon - I managed to call in for a quick coffee before I completely forgot to go to the Post Office. I had meant to but ... well, I can't even claim that I had other errands to run.

The furries are good - and they've well and truly settled back into their routines now that their real mother has returned. The sleepIng places have been swapped again a little bit though - so Sooz and I no longer have a furry in with us ... Maggie seems to have completely forgotten the electric blanket ... but she probably has no need for it as her mother's room is as warm as toast!


M is on a mission to protect the Plovers nesting in Hermes' yard. She's right. They are amazing: building their "nest" on the ground and then the parents taking turns to sit while the other acts as a diversion and stands guard.

Trivia was good tonight although we are missing St and Ni and that certain je ne sais quoi they bring to the table. We would have come very close to winning tonight (instead of a hair's breadth from third) had they been there. And this was Anita's last game for a couple of weeks but she is supplying her own replacement! Maybe we need to make that a proviso of not being there ... you send in a comparable substitute - and so Tag Team Trivia was born.



I was able to sleep in this morning - and while I had been planning to be up before 7 it was after 8 by the time I woke - realising that if we didn't get our skates on we were going to be late for breakfast with We and the family. As it was we were only a little bit late which meant the kids were up - okay they had been up since half-five, but at least We had had a chance to dress them and jump into the shower herself. When we arrived Mi was climbing on the fence and waiting for us. She had bare feet ... and that made me cold just looking at her.

By the time she dragged me outside to push her on the swings, we had coloured (make sure you stay in the lines she told me), eaten breakfast (she helped me eat mine so we could get outside faster), and tried on different shoes - she had even started to put Ka's shoes on.

After breakfast and play time, we gave We a lift across town so she could pick up her car. It apparently needs a new valve which is going to be a fairly expensive proposition but the good news is that she is about to get a tax return which will cover it - lucky ... although I'm not sure she thought so.

Ju popped in to see us before we left and we caught up on some more family news, and found out a bit more of the family's history as well. It was interesting to hear about people we thought we knew but obviously not that well!

We called in on Jo on the way down the highway and they are all well, and preparing for Jo's birthday on Tuesday. It's a while since we've seen them and they've had some changes in the meantime but they seem to be coping.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


We had originally planned to get away at 8, but took that back to 7:30 - and then were finally ready to leave at 8 - making sure to give Pearl the rest of her cookies before we left.

It was odd not having M there to see us off but she was long gone - off to deepwater running and then to pick up Mi and Az to take them to the airport.

It was a good trip up to Toowoomba - not much traffic and No-name performing well. We stopped at Marburg, at "The Girls" for breakfast (yum, yum and yum again) before testing No-names fuel capacity. We had planned to get petrol at BlackSoil but we had oodles left so pushed on to Gatton - and then on to Withcott - -the last stop before the Range and Toowoomba. At one stage we were 75 km from Toowoomba with a predicted fuel range of 86 Km but when we pulled in to the Caltex at Withc with 13km left in the tank, even though I toyed with the idea of pushing on to refuel in Toowoomba, common sense prevailed. Imagine my surprise when we filled the tank and had change from $50.

We had a few hours before we were due at We's for the housewarming so we took No-name for a drive around some of the Toowoomba tourist places including Picnic Point. The face of Toowoomba population is definitely changing. No longer is it the white homogenous town it used to be,

Mi on the swings.

Next was a quick tour of Aldi for party supplies then on to Macca's - for a cup of coffee and a Skype call with "The boys" - Gr and Wa who is visiting him in Sydney for the weekend. They are both in good form and Gr didn't disappoint - he did his "elevator" gag again.

It was an afternoon housewarming - possibly because the later it gets, the cooler it gets - especially in Winter in Toowoomba.

The Range View

It was great to see the kids again. They have a swing and slide set in the backyard now - and they're both mad keen on being pushed. Mi just wants to go "higher... higher" and Ka is content to just be on the swing! He loves the trampoline as well.

The afternoon was a good oppportunity to catch up with kith and kin - including meeting some of We's friends we have heard about but not actually met before.

The new parents Ti and RH were there as well, with Em. She is the cutest baby - and even though she is only 7 weeks old she is ultra-alert. I told them I was didappointed i had not been consulted regarding names and iT was then that they told me they were going to try for another baby almost immediately - and if it's a girl I have naming rights.

We had a relatively early night - except for the middle layer. The youngsters had been put to bed ages before but not before we'd watched some "Ice Age". It was the teenagers who were off in search of something to do or somewhere to be ... and we were happy to leave them to it.


Monday, August 4, 2014


I decided to go shooting tonight as Sooz and I are going to be away for the weekend - in Toowoomba - for We's housewarming party ... which means no shooting on Saturday morning as there won't be time. It was air pistol - but not competition as they have just finished the 8-week comp, had their presentation on Wednesday night - and tonight was "games night" - where one of the contingent had devised a game called "cricket" where one shooter "bats" - firing three shots at the target - and then the "bowler" shoots twice - and if they hit a nine or a ten, those points are deducted from the "batter", otherwise the batter's score stands. It was good fun and a great opportunity to become a little more familiar with air pistol.

We were finished just after 7 which gave me time to get to Mouse's for dinner. Sooz and M were there well before me and had just about finished (except for fruit and tea) by the time I arrived. The soup was good though - and lots of it. We really missed Mouse's cooking while she was away. I don't know how she does it ... but she just seems to gather up whatever she has around, and make that into the most delicious soups you can imagine.

The extra guest at dinner was Prince - who is now staying with Mouse while his parents are away. He seems to have settled in very nicely ... and seems to be a little more comfortable than he was when he stayed at Latimers the year before last (was it the year before last? Time kind of melds all together after a while).

M and Mouse met with Az at lunchtime - and presented her with her early birthday present (she'll be in Thailand when the day actually rolls around) ... and she liked it very much. Great choice M.

EOM continues at work and by the time we went home (Ch stayed a little longer) there were only 12 invoices, worth under $30k still to be cleared from the system. It was truly a mammoth effort made by all .... recognised by Man sending someone out to get us lunch so we could keep working our way through the list.

I would have stayed but I had organised to meet a mortgage broker - and that meeting took place in the car on the way to the Pistol Club. That was okay because it was just an "introductory" meet, with a real face-to-face still to be scheduled.

Sunday, August 3, 2014


It was another busy day at work as we inch closer and closer to the End of Month. We are making good inroads and we hope to have the invoices whittled down to a very manageable under $100,000 by week's end. Hopefully this goes well because they are looking at switching all reporting over to the financial system this month.

After work, it was straight to Zarraffas to meet a mobile banker from our usual financial institution. It was good - she had a lot of information for me and I filled out a pre-loan application form. She's going to send me some more product information so that will give me some light reading to do.

Then it was home for a quick cuppa before setting off for The Big House where I could hear the Roulette calling my name. It wasn't calling it loud enough because by the time we were finished the game, I was one chip ahead - and a red chip at that. Still, I was glad to have retained my stake for another time!

There were a few folk at The Big House tonight but M and I managed to get a table and have a reasonably fast dinner at Spinners before going up stairs.

I drove in this evening - taking no-name for a drive. Someone suggested "Lamington" but I suggested he "try harder" ... there's no rush to name the car ... which is good because we don't want to give it a dud name. At the moment I am leaning towards "Seeker" (Prius C-Car). I'm not sure Sooz is keen on it though.


It was nice to have a later start at work this morning - even though it wasn't as late last night as I'd thought. I puddled, which is to say I took Pearl for a walk and then had a read of no-names manual - confirming that what Sooz thought was the "cigarette lighter" actually was! I don't know why I ever question what she says - especially when it comes to Trivia. We met Na and An-M at Tallai tonight for a rousing game of Trivia - and even though we tried hard - we didn't make it on to the podium there either. Seems like the flavour of the week. But we didn't come in last, so that was something to be thankful for! As was the opportunity to have breakfast with Sooz and M at Maccas this morning - and to say hi to Jo - since I haven't been there for at least a couple of weeks. They are still making the coffee as well - so it's good to know their skills haven't slipped in my absence.