Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 136 (Thursday)

Tink can be surprising sometimes. When we arrived home from the dam visit last night she was sitting on Lars and even though it wad a tad early for lockdown M tried to scoop her up to bring her inside. She resisted and managed to jump off the far side of the car - and while she waited there, I tried to scoop her up - and, missed, and she then nonchalantly sauntered under Lars. That was it, no point in trying any further - we'd have to try again later. Or so we thought. As we took off boots (newly polished - well done M) and shoes, who should walk through the back door, like a cat on a mission, but Tinker. Once we recovered from the shock, the back door was hurriedly closed to prevent escape.

It's still raining here but that didn't stop S and M from spending the morning in the garden. S has been meaning to put in tomatoes for a while (seems she is jealous of Bernie's efforts) and M was doing some general tidying up. There was no report on whether they had seen the wounded willy wagtail but the fence-to-tree-bridge is still in place.

Not sure if I have mentioned it, but the letterbox is back - looking better than ever. That Keith is truly a talented man. He can turn his hand to just about anything - M says it's because he used to be a toolmaker and can think laterally. He certainly does seem to be able to think his way around most things and has the knowledge and skills to go with it. He's the only man I know of that can make an entire fence out of scrap metal and make it look more than reasonable!

I finally managed to get to the shops to pick up some new socks and M was kind enough to drop S in to Pacific Fair so we could have dinner - nothing else hits the spot if you have a hankering for something and these days I'm always ready for a bowl of long and short soup. Last night, though, I was tempted to have a laksa to try it out - and would have if they had had a chicken version available.

I'm hoping I can convince the others to make a visit to Brisbane in the near future. There is a movie playing there "Monsters" which doesn't look as though it's going to come to the Coast. Yes, I could wait for it to come out on DVD but it seems like a good opportunity to see S and A and do Yum Cha, and perhaps even see what's on at the Art Gallery. Hmmm ... will need to think about dates because the work Christmas party is coming up - and that's in Brisbane as well!

S and M have found a new bingo venue - since the usual Guide Dog Bingo (not actually played with Guide Dogs) was not available yesterday. The new one is at Southport and, according to the flyer that came home with them, they have sessions just about every day - including Saturday mornings. S and M both think I would enjoy it because it is very well organised (they know about my penchant for Planet Competent even though, truly, some days lately I don't actually feel I should be allowed entry). The Southport mob also have LOTS PETS which at first I thought had something to do with lost pets (not sure why except perhaps that I am missing Samagrams) but which actually has more to do with being a bingo players machine. I need to go and see those in action!

M was out this evening and we had an early night - but took pity on Pearl who seemed to want company so we took her into our room with us. I promptly fell asleep while S listened to the radio - and for sounds of Pearl sneaking over to Emma's food bowl to vacuum up her cookies - which she didn't which is amazing because that would be normal dog behaviour. Hopefully someone gave the cats their supper cookies because except for Pearl barking when M came home, I heard nothing, except I think something about M having received a box of chocolates which is odd because she was out celebrating someone else's birthday!