Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A cut above?

l had been looking forward to a good mow and was more than a little disappointed when the belt almost jumped off as the mower tried to glide over the lush green of the slightly over-grey-watered lawn. So, rather than doing a "2 cut with mulcher" it ended up as a 3 cut and that just isn't low enough to provide even a chance of a "Colorbond moment". M tried to assure me it was fine (very kind of her - even rewarding me with a freshly-picked radish out of the garden) but S hit the nail on the head when she came out a bit later and asked ''Didn't you mow the lawn?". So what is generally a "cheer me up" exercise suddenly wasn't. That put me right off the idea of doing barrows of dirt into one of the new garden beds - that may have to wait until I can do the mow again - in a couple of days, after the grass has had a chance to recover.

The rain continues to stay away - a real shame because we could really do with some. Luckily M has the non-tank water because if we had to rely on just what was in the tank, it would be time to start buying water (possibly even the second or third batch by now).

But the gardens continue to flourish and it's time to start eating (and sharing) the produce. That's not the only plant-life thriving. While taking photographs of a couple of cockatoos intent on dive-bombing Tink, I saw that a plant or two (okay, three) have taken root and seemed quite content in the gutters of the stables roof.

Well, it won't be long now until the last of the current batch of travellers (M and A) are home. They'll be very excited to see their boy Prince - who can't come back here at the moment as M has taken down his enclosure - part of it anyway, and is using it to train the snow peas - or was it another climbing vegetable? Not that Mouse would give him up without a fight!

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