Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cultural pursuits

Trouble at farm. But this doesn't mean that someone is in hot water ... because it means that no-one is in hot water because it's the hot water system that's in trouble - it's sprung a leak in three places! M discovered the problem yesterday - thanks to Beazley who was around the side, hiding (no doubt because he'd seen the cat box and Tink being taken to the vet!) when it was time for his shot. That's when M saw the wet ground - and the geyser shooting up to the laundry window! A quick investigation revealed that a call to the plumber was needed. Ah well, it was a good excuse to be one of the great unwashed at work (even though we do hae showers there and I did have my "kit" in the car ... once I was there it all just seemed too hard ... and I knew that as long as I could have a shower before we went out that night, all would be good! We were having another women in arts night. M had arranged tickets for us to see the Bangara Dance company and their new show Terrain. Timing for getting there, though, promised it could be a little bit of an issue as it was Friday evening but we managed to work around that. I picked up Mouse after work. There was still time thing to drive home, have that shower (yes! and thank heavens for the others in the car for the drive) and still be out at the appointed time. The traffic up to Brisbane was not bad and the traffic in the city itself was okay.We pulled into the parking lot at QPAC on time ... and luckily we did because there was a treat on offer inside. They were giving away samples of Connessiur ice cream. It was so nice that we have no problem having a second one when we came out of the show. I hear the show itself was excellent. Even though I was there I didn't actually get to see much. I'm not sure if it was the comfortable seat, the darkened room, the hypnotic music or the fact that the dancers onstage made no noise, but I just could not keep my eyes open. The show went for about 65 minutes but I think I probably saw a total of eight of those. I was only woken by the thunderous applause as the show ended and the curtain came down.

I felt I had no option but to own up when asked if I had managed to stay awake through the performance - so I said "no", and Mouse offered that she could easily have gone to sleep herself, and would have if she hadn't thought we'd see - hmmm, no chance of that unless I was to do sleep-seeing.

And then we were off to West End for dinner at the Viet Hoa (mmmm ... rice paper rolls) - and where we were joined by Mi who was just finishing work for the day (after a very late start). She ended up giving Mouse a lift home so it all worked out quite well.

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