Monday, July 26, 2010

Day Eight (Sunday)

"This is the mother of all invention tests – and there's 15 minutes to go." But we all know MasterChef and how they can make 15 minutes seem like a dozen lifetimes – and they did! This is the final of MasterChef and Adam and Callum are fighting it out for the title – and there is pressure ... but would there have been as much if Adam had not chosen to use a pressure cooker in this invention test where the competitors will be judged on the 3 Ts : technique, taste and something else which we can't remember what it is?
Chances are there was not this much interest in the Great Debate. It was on the TV at Latimers but one of us was playing with Sammy (about time too!) and another was preparing dinner. The most avid viewers alas are not voters – unless there's something we don't know about our four-legged co-inhabitants. They are growing impatient with election advertising which has now started in earnest (and here as well).
Now that it's dark, M, the escape artist, is under close watch (or is that house arrest?), and we know where she is because she is complaining loudly about not being let out. She is seeking solace with P who is listening intently and scanning the perimeter for avenues for escape – and we are questioning if P really needs to go outside, as she's now claiming, or is merely seeking to provide a diversion. Or perhaps M will want to stay now that she knows the final challenge on MasterChef 2010 will be guava and custard apple snow egg. "Delicious doesn't even come close to doing that dish justice." Nobody says anything about "too many flavors" which they could as there are loads in this layered treat - not to be confused with parfait. (Parfait, did someone say parfait?)
Let's move Australia forward ... thus spake JG - notable but perhaps not for the reasons some would wish - as folk were commenting at the big yellow runes this morning: she can't even say "Australia". Elections have been won and lost on less. (Young N had her own debate of sorts on FB after commenting that her 10-year-old nephew could smash Tony in a debate. It seemed to contain much more passion than the official one - but was slightly disparaging to local residents and their political acumen. Would have pulled her up on it but felt that could have had an air of "protest-th too much" about it which, unfortunately, would have supported her argument.)
Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest - and it was in part. Marketed with F and M - and met their Francophile friend and teacher of the boys. Alas, had to postpone the lawnmowing as it was raining - and is set to for the coming week But the laundry will go ahead tomorrow with undercover hanging space brought into use. S had an afternoon nap - I relished the opportunity to catch up with a video (since I could get to the TV) and was pleasantly surprised to find a deep-speaking Whoopi Goldberg in "Life on Mars". Hopefully she has recovered from her sedative-fueled appearance on The View last week - who would ever have suspected that she was a nervous flyer - hmmmm ... is this the only thing we have in common?
Oh ... and Adam won.