Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day Three (Tuesday)

Fog. Did someone say "fog"? It wa glorious this morning as Latimer's had a white-out. Would post a photo but there's actually not that much to see.

Pearl did serious barking at 4am - so I let her out to attend to her business and she then came back in and settled down for the rest of the morning. Maggie, Tinka and Beasley all took the opportunity to mosey outside as well - hopefully easing any possible strain on the litter box.
Coffee at Zarraffa's this morning - had forgotten how good it is. Also forgot that when having a Flat White, a Grande is very very big - but it would have been horrible to let it go to waste. Mmmmm .... raisin toast.

On the political trail, good to his own word, not-Phony Tony wrote a contract of sorts during a radio interview to confirm that WorkChoices (which wasn't ever) was "dead, buried and cremated". Alas, we only have his word for it because his handwriting is pretty much how Pearl's would do be if her tail was dipped in ink and she wrote with it.

Appolicious named Fruit Ninja HD for the iPad as one of their Apps of the Week. Not having anyone to challenge on the iPad version - and not wanting to get S hooked on it too - the temptation has so far been resisted.

MasterChef's mystery box challenge with ingredients chosen by Jimmy proved to be as challenging as expected. MK phoned mid-program to voice her concerns that his choices had been "mean". We had to agree but wishes don't work in retrospect and Jimmy survived as one of the final four. Courtney did not. The guest judge, Shannon something-or-other, chef and owner of a three-hat establishment in Melbourne, was a real sweetie.

An election debate had been scheduled at the same time as the MasterChef final on Sunday night but that has now been moved to an hour earlier as the powers that be realized, perhaps quite rightly, that there would be no contest. Of course, more concerning is some suggestions in the media - although surely not Educational Radio - that the campaigning might move to a more personal level and people will be forced to endure a pitched battle between the Ranga and the Wingnut. Sigh ... only in Australia.

No movies tonight as we are off to dinner with Jo tomorrow evening. Not sure if S will do bingo but she now has a copy if all relevant bus timetables and knows she can get half-time lifts back and fro to home. She is very much enjoying just being at Latimers ... and as I drive out each morning I can well understand that. Was home in good time to play "moose" with Pearl today ... and hopefully we will find one of her balls soon because moose has the aerodynamic properties of a ... moose.

True to their word, Larry and Doug fixed the hose and also insisted on taking away a little orange wagon load of prunings. Alas, there went the plans to hire a mulcher. It is an intriguing idea and certainly seems more manageable than cutting the greenery into pocket-sized pieces for distributing around neighboring suburbs.

Everyone continues to miss M the traveller but at least they are spending less time hanging around the bedroom door or at the front gate waiting for her to appear. There are lots of pets and hugs, and chucks under the chin, and much telling them we love them - but it's not quite the same. And who would think "feet moving ... feet moving" would become so missable!