Saturday, April 23, 2011


Easter. Friday night Family & Friends dinner was at O's tonight and she had cooked up a feast which we were able to share with the usual crowd plus D and her daughter who are visiting the Speerts from New Zealand. This is the second Friday night dinner we have been able to share with them and D is threatening to defer their return to NZ (again) to be able to come to next week's dinner.
M was able to get Hermes' paddocks mowed today - which leaves me the house yard to do at some stage over the next couple of days - weather permitting. It rained here today for a couple of minutes and then a fine fog settled over the valley. It really is very pretty here. And I hope the pilot of that noisy ultra-light plane that flew over this morning thought so too. Who would gave thought that ultra-light would translate to "ultra"-noisy.
Pearl has been having a sleep-over at Nana's for the last week and finally came home tonight. It's good to have her back - and maybe if she had been here last night she would have barked when the mystery bunny came visiting to drop off some Easter Eggs! I thought it was M's doing and she thought it was my doing - so we are at a loss unless it's S playing a trick on the both of us.
M seems to have recovered well from her ankle mishap yesterday afternoon. S was able to ice it immediately - and then apply some rest, elevation and compression. Not necessarily in that order. But what seems to have worked better than RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) is the cream she was given a while ago by a physiotherapist - which may explain why it worked very, very well - and isn't it a shame that it isn't freely available as an over-the-counter medication?