Wednesday, April 27, 2011


It's raining here again today - which is okay since it's a work day but I'd like it to dry out enough for the mowing! But judging by the way it rained off and or all day - today is not going to see anyone on the mower.
S's plants seem to have enjoyed the soaking and have settled into the garden very nicely. It won't be long before we're eating nice fresh green leafy vegetables out of there - and I'm sure the local wildlife (read: insects and grubs) are looking forward to it as well. It's all part of that rich cycle of life - and this is one way to make sure the birds get fed, even though we don't yet know which birds that will be as the nest we were hoping would go up, hasn't ... yet. Mind you, it has been a bit wet for any kind of construction over the last few days - avian or otherwise.
Twice today I have towelled Beasley down as he seems to enjoy being out in the wet - which is preferable to him getting himself into trouble inside as he is want to do of late. Still he is the best boy in the house (not counting Hermes the horse who actually isn't allowed in).
All of the cats are inside this evening - it could be the rain outside or the fact that the temperature seems to have dropped about 10 degrees since yesterday. That is possibly a little bit of an exaggeration but it does seem very much cooler - to the point where I am thinking about putting on a pair of track pants for the first time since we came to Latimers - and I woukd if onky I had some idea where they might be! S loves the cold and tells me that it always does get cooler after Easter - and I can't argue with her on that one.
M is out for the evening so we finished off the Corned Beef from last Friday's dinner with some mashed potato (double yum) and vegetables for dinner. Pearl sat beside us, givng us her fullest attention, lest something drop from our plates to the floor and/or her mouth - of course, she may have just been waiting for the rest of HER dinner, which we had neglected to give her as soon as we sat down to eat. She seems to have discovered her voice during her sleepovers with Nana last week and I, especially, have to be careful not to get her too excited, especially later at night when the others are sleeping.
S is watching a program on preparations for Friday's Royal Wedding - and we're not sure if it is THE cake or just A cake we're seeing being iced. I wonder if this is going to be bigger than the last "proper" Royal Wedding - which was about 30 years ago (sorry Camilla) - and whether, with the wider predominance of media, some programs might be tailored to the masses ... like this one. (Wonder if they've got a FaceBook page or if you can follow them on Twitter?)
The other news is that there's a "new" horse in the next doors' paddock - more on that tomorrow.