Friday, November 30, 2012


I admit it. I find it more than a little disconcerting when Maggie sleeps with her eyes open. but she usually is fast asleep and even waving a hand in front of her doesn't stir her. My niece does the same thing - or used to when she was a wee thing ... I don't know if she still does - she's 18 now and I haven't seen her asleep for a while. Come to think of it, we don't often see people asleep as we go through our normal routines (I'm not counting people you live with in that statement). Of course, no-one would find it easy to sleep through the racket those birds are making outside again this evening. They have been for a few nights now and while I am fairly sure they are over near the avocado tree, sound has a way of playing tricks on you. Like the single gunshot last night ... I couldn't tell where it came from but as M explained, you only had to look at the horses to know - and she was right.

S is away visiting the family at the moment and I took the opportunity during a Skype call yesterday to show her around work - including the site, and then up and into the office. I hope it was as exciting for her as it was for me!

The gardens are still flourishing, helped along by the little bit of rain we've had this week. M harvested some tomatoes and took them with us into Mouse's for dinner - yummm, soup, cabbage rolls and vegetable patties. And, luckily for me, there were leftovers so there's lunch tomorrow - and some blueberry cake for morning tea.

The CSP jackpot (it was a busy night - fitting in The Big House as well) is sitting at just over $70k, but none of it came home with us! Ah well, there's always another time. And the place didn't seem to be besieged with Schoolies - they had apparently been sighted earlier in the day, in great numbers! Still, it was busy enough - and not everyone was there to look at the Christmas decorations which have finally been put up! They're pretty too, although I did seem to recognise some of the reindeer from last year! So, I don't think it will be long now before we start digging out the rest of the Christmas decorations for Latimers ... since M has already kicked it off with a reindeer!

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