Friday, February 22, 2013


Friday! Finally! It's strange how some weeks are definitely longer than others! Of course, more happens some weeks than others - and this has been one of the "more" weeks although I would be hard-pressed to say what that more was although it did involve doctor visits, dentist visits, visits to the movies, Bingo and catch-ups (including S having a long phone call with Sa who has been laying low of late). On the whole, it has been good although M still has to do another doctor visit in a couple of weeks and hopefully that will provide some answers! S shouldn't have to go back to the Russian (sting, sting) skin doctor - they look to have taken enough of a margin when they did the excision last week. It has healed well and the stitches came out today. All going well, S should be fine to go back to Aqua next week.

Tink has been ravenous this week, eating special cookies like they're going to run out in a minute - which they most certainly will if she keeps eating at this rate! We're hoping it's just an aberration, not a reaction to the insulin. She's due back to the Vet in a couple of weeks, so that will give us a chance to monitor her. Meanwhile, Pearl was unwell last night and M stayed up with her trying to make her comfortable. It was a shame it was last night though - M had taken herself off to bed early as she was still recovering from her own medical intervention. They both seemed okay today though - and Pearl was definitely not shying away from food - although that would have been understandable given the night she had. Do dogs experience nausea the same way as humans?

Maggie is keeping fairly much to herself and is spending a lot of time in M's room - which is pretty much what she usually does. I haven't noticed either she or Tink out in the yard doing that snake patrol but I did see M has invested in an electronic thumper (the first of several) to deter other snake visits. Since they didn't have enough in stock, M is ordering the others online - from the original snake thumper peopIe. But, you know, I can't help wonder if they will be better than burning leather shoes (which we haven't done yet but I would probably be prepared to donate a pair).

But the wildlife has definitey been out - which could have something to do with that it is still wet here - and is supposed to continue to be. The wildlife doesn't fare well in the wet - especially not on the roads. Are motorists less safe in wet weather? It certainly seems so.

The grass continues to grow as we wait for it to be dry enough to mow. I'm not saying it's really wet but we are staring to get a magnificent crop of ... toadstools - I preferred it when I thought they were mushrooms - just off the back area!

Someone managed to do part of the lane today but you can tell it was wet when they did it. (I've learned a bit about lawns since we moved to Latimers ... who would have thought!) D is due again in a moment I think - so he should have plenty to do.

It's raining now - a nice steady gentle rain drumming on the roof and starting to lull us to sleep. Yes, it's been a long week - but a good one.

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