Monday, July 2, 2012


What is the definition of “disappointment”? Finding out the Circus has been in town for over a fortnight and you didn't know anything about it ... and the last show starts in 20 minutes and you know you can’t get there! Ah well, I'm sure Burtons and their camels and whip crackers will come again and next time we might see their flyer in good time. Although it's not guaranteed that it will be a good time. "Have you ever been to a Circus" S asked me - and I had to say yes, many, many, many years ago and I'd gone with my grandfather, Dad and brother. Pop was a bit of a showman - he'd been a wild west rider in a travelling rodeo show - as well as running the dancing chicken concession. When the Circus came to Toowoomba one year he took us - and afterwards we had a drink and met with some of the performers: the half-man-half-woman, the bearded lady are the ones I remember. Since then, I haven't been to another Circus. S told me she'd been to one and she'd been disappointed. I guess, deep down, that might be why I haven't made it to another one.

But the Markets were great today! We were celebrating Mi's birthday (it seems like only a minute ago that it was S's!). Azra had made a cake and it was simply magnificent! And it's good to know there are still some mysteries in life ... Azra had brought along a candle ... and it was a question mark! I tell you though, there were so many photographs being taken you would have thought the paparazzi had arrived ... just as well Mi enjoys people making a fuss over her!

But there was one mystery ... the name of a dish - it was a pastry-construction where you put a layer of pastry down, grill it, then another layer, and then grill it and so on. You peel the layers off to eat it (thanks V - I was struggling) and add capsicum or other savoury spreads, feta cheese, and olives on the side ... very yummy.

Even though it was about her and her birthday, Mi did her usual vanishing trick and when she came back from her Massage, she was happier than usual because they had given her a free one for her birthday!

As usual, we closed the markets - and today S and I went straight home because there were jobs to do. It has been dry since it stopped raining and it was time to go home and jump on ROM! It's been too long (heh heh ... as in the length of the grass and the time since it was last done!) S did a fantastic job at yard patrol making sure the business was taken care of (and why is there so much of it, given that Pearl does it on her walks now?) and making sure all the sticks were picked up. It makes it much easier to mow if you don't have to keep stopping and starting to pick things up; it's not acceptable just to mow around them! And, yes, the rat pile is still there, untouched, but sniffed a little by Pearl! And, alas, the tyre ruts are worse than I thought, now that you can actually see them!

It was just as well we'd done the yard work! S and I were up looking at the foals, checking out whether they'd finished eating the grass in the bottom paddock yet, when F rang saying he Mi, N and V were on the way ... so he could measure up the shed. It's 87 squares (which S commented, is bigger than our flat in Sydney) not counting the covered area where the tractor/slasher are. There was much talk of "decks" although it took a moment or two to filter out the New Zealand accents to realise that was actually what they were talking about - not what it sounded like.

Beazley was quite brave when they visited, only taking himself off, doing that fast walking, when we came back inside.

Tink was in early this evening, and is doing her bit to make the rest-of-the-house animal free ... she marched in to our bedroom and took up her position there. What I don't understand is why both she and Maggie, when they do pick a position, make it on the bed where my legs go. At least Maggie curls up at the back of your knees ... and it will be interesting to see if Tink does the same thing - if she stays in for the night. So she missed MasterChef and the invention test with Heston ... as did Maggie. We thought she was outside and at lockdown when we couldn't find her we were starting to be a bit concerned ... until S found her curled up asleep in the corner of our bedroom! It's nice to have furries in there again.

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