Monday, June 6, 2011


Sydney again. We are settling into being all over the place - but were very pleased to have been in the place where the concert was last night. It was magical, wonderful and just plain fantastic - covering 20 years of the Choir's existence and the community's growth. They brought the Choir on to stage in year groups - and there was no year without representatives which makes you realise the dedication of these people who have been fronting up for choir rehearsals for twenty years - that's a lot of Thursday nights and weekend camps before concerts.
We had breakfast with L and E - although there was a slight delay as E had to take the bears home. Bears? Bears? As part of the display in the foyer of the concert venue - the Sydney Town Hall - there was a table of Teddy Bears. The Teddy Awards is the Choir's annual event where people "win" Bears for their achievements - and the bears are "dressed" - depending on the person being awarded the bear, the prevailing recording artists of the day, and the whims of the people dressing the Bears. Post-Concert, the Bears needed to be taken home to the Choir's rehearsal venue ... but when E and L arrived there after 11pm last night, the Hall was locked ... accessible only by key and keypad code. They didn't have the key - and the person who had it was at home, sick, in bed, in Annandale. L and E made the decision to bring the Bears back to the Hotel where all of us were staying - not arriving until after midnight when the nearest parking stations had closed. But at least they were able to get the Concierge to take charge of the Bears so they were out of the car. Alas, their luggage, our luggage, the spare programs, the Bears and all of us were not going to fit into the car for the next leg of the journey - which is how E came to take them home ... and then come back in for breakfast, and to take them home, and hand over the car which she was kindly loaning us for our trip to the Central Coast to see family. After visiting S's Mother, we made our way to my brother's where we spent the evening with the family, toasty in front of their combustion heater and marvelling that a good part of the dinner was being cooked on it.
Meanwhile back at Latimers, it was Sunday Markets - but we're not sure if they went ahead without us. What we do know is that this evening we received a text from M saying they were all at M and F's where they were looking at F's photos from his Jordan trip, having dinner and <sniff> missing us. Ah well, only a few more days until we're back at Latimers.

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