Thursday, June 30, 2011


UI think I would have enjoyed today more if I had spent it at Latimers rather than in the dentist's chair. Don't get me wrong - Jamie was exceptional - one if the best dentists I have ever had (if not the best) but over 5 hours in the chair having work done should be no one's idea of fun. The worst thing about it (and this may not be exactly true) is that when you have a dental dam in your mouth, it's very hard to speak intelligibly - even to a dentist. What I had wanted to say - and keep saying - was "it's safe" which I knew was from Marathon Man, the movie, but which also means "please stop because I have given you the answer you want". Maybe I will have a chance to say it tomorrow when I'm back there so he can do work on my bottom teeth!
It was nice of S and M to come in to drop me off - and to have a cup of coffee with me. And it was good of F to go up to Brisbane Airport to pick up M and little H who arrived from Turkey this morning. Ordinarily this was a run that M would have done - if she hadn't been on dental patrol instead (thanks M).
After dropping me, M and S went off to see them before M dropped at home. It could be "in sympathy" but for whatever reason, S also has a sore mouth - it looks like it's an infection of some kind - and as the evening wore on, the swelling became more pronounced.
Meanwhile, even M didn't get through the day unscathed - when she was clearing up some water on the bathroom floor (apparently the leaking windows have led to the creation of another place for the water to come through) when she felt inside her neck go funny. I looked for an answer on the net but didn't get anywhere really with strained epiglottis or broken epiglottis.
Hopefully everyone at Latimers will have a good night's sleep and return refreshed and on top of our individual and collective games tomorrow.
Did I mention that Pearl came home yesterday. It must be nice for M and S to know that there is now no question of either of them bounding out, barking, to greet me in the afternoons! (Not that there ever really was - but they could have played along!)
We are in need of rain. The electrician is supposed to be coming tomorrow to have a proper look/fix of the (back) water pump and if that gets fixed so it is reliable without having to go down and check it - that will be good - especially as the water tank is starting to get low. But at least it rained a little bit today and maybe it will again tomorrow.

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