Wednesday, December 7, 2011


My new Queensland driving licence has not yet arrived, so it looks like I'll need to visit the Post Office again. They said to let them know if it hasn't arrived by the 9th (Friday) - but let's hope it does!

I did my civic duty today and completed a survey about Communications surrounding the Hinze Dam Stage 3 Alliance. As I explained to the Survey person, I hadn't been around for all of the project, but what I had seen - including the community BBQs and glossy brochures, had been good. Now I'm just waiting to see if we will win one of the 5 x $ 100 gift vouchers on offer (not my reason for participating - I didn't find out about them until after the survey was completed). Which reminds me, the Fuel Voucher redemption for buying 4 tyres at once hasn't yet appeared in the mail box either. But there was something there today - a package for S (gifts in plenty of time for Christmas).

After all our efforts in remembering that the Centre up at the dam is called the "Interpretive Centre" - the survey didn't refer to it as that at all - they called it the "Visitor Centre" which is much easier to remember but which doesn't seem nearly as interesting.

It looked like rain again this afternoon - and there were a few spots to support the look - so there was no mowing at Latimers today. There is still burning-off happen and every so often B roars past in his ute to check it and make sure the fire isn't getting out of hand before he roars out again. (Just hope those furries remember to stay out of the way.)

The news today was saying that it is going to be the coldest start to Summer in nearly 50 years. S is hoping the middle and end of Summer are the same.

It was an early night all round again at Latimers - the furries were safely inside before 9 - and even though I stayed up to finish most of the puzzles for sending off tomorrow, I had to leave some - I have to be up at 4 in the morning to take J and R to the airport. (I wonder if we'll see N up there.)

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