Saturday, December 3, 2011


It's the most fun I've ever had outside The Big House - a picnic of sorts as we sat in the Coach (bus) waiting for the last two folk to arrive so we could begin our journey to the Brisbane Entertainment Centre and an evening with Elton John. As we waited in air-conditioned comfort we ate pizza, listened to Neil Diamond's "Hot August Night" and watched as a woman who had fallen over - but seemed to be okay except a little ''out of it" was escorted from the property and on to a bus.

S was so disappointed that she was missing out on Elton - she left with her brother M For Kyogle this afternoon and had reached there just as our coach pulled away from The Big House. They made good time-because we all left Latimers at more or less the same time.

The Concert (thank you M, The Big House, Elton and the touring company) was amazing and even more so when we found out that EJ has bronchitis and had been advised by his doctor not to do the performance - but he did, giving a very human face to the saying "the show must go on''. The staging was simple yet effective and included clips of a younger Elton performing the old favourites when they were new. The Cello Boys - as found on YouTube were amazing and not just because they (according to Elton) lowered the band's average age by 30 years. At least one of the other band members has been with Elton from the start - what an incredible ride and time that must have been!

After losing his voice in the last song (of the concert), Elton did come back on stage for a quick and much appreciated encore before, hopefully, going back to where he's staying for a well-earned rest, a good night's sleep and, at the very least, some medication.

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