Wednesday, December 14, 2011


S definitely goes to the top of the tree for Christmas-preparedness. Armed with the list (divided into "Naughty" and "Nice" - no not really) she hit the shops - and did an amazing and wonderful job. Once home, she couldn't wait to spread the gifts out on the bed for M and I to have a look at - and for Emma to have a wander through - she likes Christmas as well. (At some point in the coming years, we just know that S is going to ask "what was on the bed" - as she does now, some years later, after two friends had spread their holiday purchases over the bed at the motel where they were staying ... there was a candle in the shape of a piece of birthday cake, a pair of black and white pants with elastic waist, eating utensils, a Byron Bay tee-shirt ... and you'll have to ask S what the other 27 items were - and she will most probably be able to tell you. She has a phenomenonal memory! Which is why she will probably be a little disappointed when she asks about the Christmas gifts in coming years! It's not much of a game if only one really plays!)

Lars finally made it to the mechanic this afternoon - thanks M for picking me up and for loaning me a vehicle to get to work in tomorrow. Hopefully Frank will be able to fix the timing belt (not a problem), fix the right-hand windscreen wiper (not a problem) and work out why it keeps stalling when the air-conditioner is on after it has been driven for a while (may be a problem). It's a bonus that he's local (in Nerang) and that M (of M and A) knows his work. And who knew that M was a trained mechanic ... and you have to wonder how often A has helped him because when we were at the markets the other day and M was having a look and said - what revs is it doing - A had already positioned herself to be able to tell. A great team effort.

M is off to Sydney tomorrow but before she goes she jumped on ROM for a couple of laps around the yard and of Herme's paddock. She did well, going until she was mowing in the gathering gloom of the evening. I was on the phone at the time so I'm not sure if she used the headlights for the last little bit or not, but I know she could see well enough to call us out to move the hose out of the paddock so she didn't mow it (something I might have done). She did well, and still had time to do some ironing, packing and computer stuff before calling it a night (but not before she had helped S who seems to have aspirated something and was having a serious coughing bout.)

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