Sunday, December 11, 2011


The shops are full of Christmas decorations, stock and shoppers - and Pacific Fair appears to have been refurbished since last I was here. Who knew? Or, who thought to mention it? The seating (husband seats - because, traditionally, that's where they sit while waiting for their Significant Others to shop) have been made very modern - one to a seat, a bit like a ... rocket in some ways, very coccooning after a hard time in the shops. Do some seat shapes have different therapeutic properties? Has anyone ever done research into this - and, if so, do the therapeutic benefits differ between people or are they the same across the board? But there was absolutely no time to be sitting in those seats because it was time for Christmas shopping - or, rather, Christmas looking because rather than taking money with me (although I did have a little of that) I took the camera (read: iPhone) so I could take photographs of items I thought would make good gifts and then discuss them with S. It made it like an adventure rather than hard work - and only one shop questioned me about the camera and pointed out their sign demanding no photography in-store. I think I did well - actually having S agree with two of the items that I had chosen - and the others mostly weren't that awful, just probably not as personalised as they could be ... but, truthfully, even I could see that the item I had chosen for nephew M was not quite "right" but we won't go into that now.

S's foot was still sore today (sorer than it has been for a while) and rather than risk injuring it further, we decided to have a quiet night in with it elevated and resting. It must have worked too because she said that at one point during the night (when she was asleep) she heard it "crack" and it has been feeling much better since).

I didn't make it to bed until quite late. M was out and I took the opportunity to settle into a few hours of Samagrams - updating my puzzle database and looking for new ones. The good thing is that this also allowed me to catch up with some episodes of series that I am watching - and by the time I finished all that I was well and truly ready to call it a night ... but before calling the cats in, I thought I would just do a rubbish run - and it was as I was walking it over to the bin, I looked up to see the full moon and realised it wasn't - there was a big chunk out of it. It was on FaceBook soon after (thanks Mi) and a quick search of the interweb confirmed we here in Australia would be able to see the full eclipse in its entirety. To photograph or not to photograph - that is the question.

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