Friday, August 24, 2012

Busy ... busy ... busy

Yesterday was a busy day at Latimers: Jungle John and his significant other came and helped M put in some garden beds. When I was looking at the photographs this morning, it occurred to me that there are three of them - room for lots of produce. Of course, that isn't the first thought I had just then but that will have to do for public consumption.

We have started "Free Pass" - which is a way to help me reach my required 10,000 steps a day and is based on helpful competition. M is modifying a behaviour as well which is good because you can't really play by yourself ... and S will play once she is over her current lurgy - which, thankfully, she finally went to see the doctor about - and this morning she said she was feeling considerably better - it's amazing what increased puffer usage and a dose of steroids will do! But it's good she's feeling better - she's been under the weather for over a week now and it's time she was up and about because there are things to be done/places to go on the weekend ... which is to say that she's missed out on taking Prince for walks long enough! But back to Free Pass. Players nominate what they are going to do and if they don't reach that goal - they award a Free Pass to another player - which they can choose to use the next day - or bank for up to a week. The Free Pass means they get to do/not do the behaviour they are trying to change ... if I got a Free Pass it would mean I wouldn't have to do the 10,000 steps in a day - which I know I need to but we all know I would rather not. Of course, the beauty of the system is that because you have elected to help the other person/s on the road to their own behaviour modification, you are going to try not to give Free Passes. It will be interesting to see how effective it is.

This means, of course, that I am taking every opportunity to take Pearl and Prince for a walk and yesterday, while M went in to feed Soxie, I took them for two laps down to B's. We would have done more but Prince seemed to be quite tired on the second lap (no, that is not a projection!) and it was starting to get dark by then. After the doctor's visit, S and M joined me for a coffee at Zarraffas (very nice) so we were home a bit later than usual ... so as the darkness gathered outside, and after feeding the furries, I jumped on to the walking machine to make up my remaining steps for the day - watching an episode of "Eureka". I think I'm going to get to watch a bit more television over the coming months!

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