Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Winners are Grinners

There was a frost at Latimers this morning - and this isn't the first one we've had. I know that now because it has just "clicked" that that's why the grass is brown. I'd wondered if it was because it hasn't been raining - but no, it's because of the frost. I wonder how the horses cope with it - and the general coldness. Lars' thermometer said it was 4 as I was driving out of the Valley this morning. About the only place it isn't cold is in the sauna masquerading as M's bedroom. I had to sneak in there this morning to give Tinker her shot - and once I was in there I could see why Tink was in no hurry to come out!

It's supposed to get warmer towards the end of the week, I am still stunned by how much lighter it is in the mornings though. I was a few minutes later leaving today but still it wasn't as dark as I picked some lemons for one of the work folk. She was saying how tasty they are - she's been squeezing juice onto their salads - and then licking her fingers because it's so yummy!

I meant to say that I saw a kangaroo the other day (Sunday, as I drove back in to Zarraffa's after doing the lawn). It Was wonderful but definitely too long between sightings. On the same day, M saw the rabbit along the same stretch of road.

We had Trivia again last night and managed to tie for second and then win the tiebreaker to give us the $30 Voucher (our coffee and dessert next week). C and M joined us tonight as S had something else on. N, loaded to the gunnels with Tiger Balm was also there even though she had a massive headache; but the salve, the painkillers she popped and the company must have worked because at half time she was feeling much better.

On the way home we managed to break with tradition and buy petrol for cheaper than if we'd bought it on the way in to Trivia, so we're counting that as a win too!

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