Monday, April 15, 2013


It was a great weekend - it only rained one day - Saturday - but that gave us a great excuse to go and spend some time at the movies - which we did! We saw "Warm Bodies" - a quirky and very funny romantic comedy set in a post-apocalyptic world where R (a zombie) falls in love with Julie (a human) starting a chain reaction which can literally change the world. Of course, there's more to it than that ("don't be creepy ... don't be creepy") and I'm looking forward to seeing it again so I can see everything I missed the first time around ... and so I can revel in the scripting again ... and know when to look away (R, who provides narration for the film does tell us to at one point ... but there are a couple of other points where it would have been good to have been warned). One great thing about the movie is that Zombie need for "brains" has finally been explained ... and quite well! 8.5/10.

Sunday, as aways, was Markets Day. They don't yet appear to have reverted back to normal times - I thought they would have now that Daylight Savings Time has ended in the Southern States - but the sign advertising the Markets as you drive in to the Turf Club precinct still says 6am-11am. We didn't leave until well after 12 again - doing our usual job of closing the markets. It was a good morning - although we were a couple short today - V is still overseas looking after her mother (no change in her condition), An and Sy were absent, Mo left early to go to work, M arrived late, and N and her sister sat outside in the Sun before taking off early so C could go to the beach in sunshine before her return to France - and, yes ... it has rained almost every day since she arrived several weeks ago!

S is getting back into gardening so on the way home, we called in to Bunnings so she could get some more plants which she'll get into the ground over the next few days. Also on the gardening front, I think I heard M say that Jungle Jim is due today to clear out the overgrowth down the back; I'm not sure if this means that she's getting ready to plant the winter crops down there. And I think the electrician is also due to look at the bore pump electrics - I hope so because it seems to be very labour intensive for M to keep marking out where the conduits run from the house down to the pump ... she has given up on the pink marker paint because it is not waterproof - and hasn't been surviving the rain. The new paint (yellow) is a different brand, and seems, so far, to have survived the soakings!

I was surprised yesterday afternoon when Pearl agreed to come down the lane twice with me ... M's walks with her seem to be doing that dog a lot of good - and she (that would be M) was saying the other day that Pearl can run faster than her now - which is quite good for a dog with arthritis.

The other furries are more or less the same ... Tink spends the day going between her different sleeping spots ... and she has quite a routine in place. Yesterday, I was sitting outside on one of "her" chairs, and she jumped up on the seat behind me and stretched out enough to make me move. Hmmm ... you wouldn't do that badly if you came back as a Latimers cat! Maggie has taken to helping S with her dishcloth project and likes chewing on the wool as it comes out of the bag, making it a bit wet, but still knittable! When she's not doing that, she's sitting next to S or on the back of one of the lounges, before asking us to open the door to let her out .. and then in ... and then out ...

... and this is just a small part of Life at Latimers.


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