Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Where are the Compys aka the Eastern Water Dragons? There weren't any evident poolside this morning when I came down to do my Skype call with Tr and here I am this afternoon, with a banana for them - and I can only find one usually there are at least four of them just when you walk into the pool area - and the one I did find wasn't even there - it was on the far side of the pool - and was the only one I saw at all when I walked around the pool. They weren't even over near the Spa - how they first acquired the Compy nickname because a group of them were sitting watching S have a spa - it gave her a bit of a startle when she noticed them ... and, of course, that was around the time that Jurassic Park made it into the movie cinemas. It was an impression that stuck. So where are they now? I'm really not used to them not being here!

It was good at the Markets today ... we were a sizeable crowd again -and not at all expecting someone (one of the Markets bump-out staff) coming along at 11:30 (nearly an hour before our usual leave time) saying it was time for him to pack up the area. Hmm ... he obviously didn't realize that we are the ones who pack up and clear away our tables and chairs - and he didn't even seem inclined to accept our word for it even when the guys told him where they stowed it all. He finally went on his way ... only to send someone else over who told us they had been having some trouble with the Venue Owners who needed everyone out and everything as it should be by 12:30pm. She wasn't our Usual Markets Lady ... either of them ... so weren't sure what was happening except they did manage to interrupt us and unsettle some of the group enough that packing up was started (a tad earlier than usual especially as Mi was still on the Massage table - and we don't like leaving without her!) On the way out of the pool area I took another look for the Compys and in the end I tossed pieces of the rest of the banana up near the ledges around the Waterfall ... and one very small Compy darted out to grab some but it was the only one ... but at least I had seen it.

I'm still looking fer Barbara Eden who I hoped would be staying at Jupiters as she is appearing at - the Supernova show a cross the road at the Convention Centre. No luck yet ... and I'm now hoping that's because our paths haven't crossed not because they have and I haven't recognised her (which even I know is a definite possibility where I'm concerned).

It was odd sleeping without Tinka last night - and I hope she didn't miss us too much. Hopefully she would have taken herself in to M - if she was cold or in need of a Cuddle ... and she does like them -and a "chuck under the chin" (as M would tell us when we started spending time with Tinka).

There's nothing quite like watching daylight fade over the Broadbeach strip and seeing the man-made lights fade up - the buildings, the traffic, the blue and white lights of Jupiters Hotel and Casino. It makes a lovely end to a great weekend – well, that and dinner with S and M. (Thanks M.)

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