Monday, April 1, 2013

To the dump ...

To the dump ... to the dump the dump, dump, dump! What an adventure! M and I had done tree trimming yesterday and she had done lemon tree pruning and general green gathering around the yard - as well as moving the felled tree branches into the trailer until .. finally,and with the old rug that had been hanging on Hermes' fence for a (good) while there was a full trailer load and we were ready for the dump trip ... or is that ... tip trip?

We were due at Az's for morning tea at 10 so we planned to be driving out of Latimers, load secured, at 8. That would allow time to do the tip, pick up coffee on the way back, showers and travel time so we would be at Az's on time. That was the plan anyway - and next time we'll know to leave more time. Even though we started "load secure" just after 7:30 we didn't actually drive out until closer to 8:10. By the time we got to the tip, our load still in the trailer, we managed to have the rolling log miss us by a couple inches and goodness only knows how that happened because we were stuck - unable to go forward and unable to go back as it approached us - it's going to miss us, it's going to miss us I kept telling M hoping it would - and fearing that it wouldn't. But it did and the truck that had dislodged it and started it rolling towards us proceeded unaware of the panic it had caused us. Of course, in reality, I should have been looking out for the small log (not the big log) - about 8 inches long, round, and about the width of a soft drink can ... because since I wasn't watching where I was walking, I managed to stand on it, and roll on it, and fall to the ground. Luckily, I wasn't injured that badly - although I'm still a bit stiff all the way down my left side, and I am walking with a little bit of a limp, but it's all good. I should be okay in time to get back to work. So, M ended up emptying most of the load - and we were still able to get to Zarraffas - and the service station so M could get Bertha some petrol (she was running on low ... and, no, she doesn't have a light that comes on to let you know that you are on your last ... last petrol), and get home for an icing of my knee and then out again so we weren't absolutely late for Az's. In fact, S and I were the first ones there.

It was a wonderful morning tea ... the usual Markets crowd (once Ba and Em arrived ... they were running late due to a misunderstanding) and, of course, the guest of honour ... Ne, who was due to go back to London this evening. Ah, if we had such a spread at every markets, we'd all be in big trouble ... the food was absolutely marvellous, and tons of it. Very, very yummy. It was good to have a chance to go for a walk through Mi's garden as well - it is incredible what you can do in a suburban garden, especially if you have Mi's green thumb - and incredible that there can be so many chillis growing without actually raising the ambient temperature.

Afterwards, S and I were off home ... me to rest and see if I could actually walk without hurting, and S to catch up with some ... napping ... which meant I was able to catch up with some more television viewing ... I should have been working, I know, but it was good to have some down time (I seem to be needing a bit of that of late).

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