Saturday, July 2, 2011


It is amazing what proper pain relief can do! Following yesterday's visit to the dentist I was, as they say, and who knew how true this saying is "in a world of pain". The best I could muster was to sit up in a lounge chair and listen to the television and try to put myself "someplace else" and I was pretty successful at that - so much so that even though we were watching MasterChef, I had no idea who went in the elimination challenge.
Today is a different story! I asked the dentist for, and gratefully received, a prescription for stronger pain killers - and they are working a treat. So much so that I was able to attend Family & Friends dinner this evening - which I had been sure that I would be too miserable to attend (and if it had been held last night, I would have been).
Also attending ... S who has also been to the dentist today and had the abscess on her gum drained. Talk about going out "in sympathy" - and while it is lovely to know that someone thinks of you enough to put themselves through that sort of pain, it would be nice if she didn't have to.
But the problem with pain killers and being souped up on analgesics (if they used 20 ampules of local anaesthetic on me yesterday, I wonder how many they used today) it means you can't think correctly - which is probably whey they recommend you don't drive while you're on that type of medication. They should also add that you shouldn't have anything to do with fruit bowls where the contents are actually made of soap - because if they had, there is no way that the perfectly formed mandarin would have ended up in my custard!!! And if it had been cold custard even if would have stood more of a chance but as it was, warm custard, paper towel and a drug-affected K result in a mandarin less some of its dimples. Luckily most of it survived, but it will never be the same again. Luckily it was only the mandarin that I allowed drop out of the bowl as I was moving it because I fear some of the smaller pieces - grapes, peach, fig and some yellow fruit whose name I don't know - may not have fared as well in the custard bath.
Of course, it's one thing to feel like a goose in usual F&F company, but tonight we were joined by M (M's sister) and grandson H. Ma had made a fantastic mashed potato which was great for recently-treated teeth, and M, not a potato fan, even tried some.
Poor F, who is often one to want to "assume the position" after dinner - hardly made it through dinner. He has had a big couple of days with some mates of his over from NZ and he has been golfing with them yesterday and today - and, I suspect, also trying to keep on top of his business, especially since Mi is still away - and not returning until next Tuesday - ash cloud willing!

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