Saturday, October 26, 2013


You wouldn't want to be a Police Officer at the moment. The Queensland Police have just been issued with a more than 20 page "stay safe" document as the powers-that-be admit concern about retribution from Bikie Gangs following the introduction of new laws to crackdown on their illegal activities. Unfortunately, while the measures may be warranted in terms of countering their nefarious activities, the laws are an insult to civil liberties - actually a major erosion. The document suggests actions such as checking their private vehicles for bombs, and making sure they have their curtains drawn at night.

I went up to Ormeau again this afternoon and managed to sneak in another coffee with Jo at hers. She, Ke and the girls were all home. Ra was communing with her computer, and the photographs she had taken of One Direction at their concert last night. She had been to the Meet and Greet but photographs were not allowed ... so the shots she had - and thankfully she was quite close to the stage - were taken during the show. Her favourite - Harry - blew her a kiss and said "I love you" ... and she will carry that memory for years to come. The night was memorable for Jo and Ke as well - it took them forever to get up there to collect her, get out of the car park and then brave the Motorway road works to get home ... at just after 12:30am - they'd set out at 9pm.

I finally got to see photographs from their cruise this afternoon. It looked as though they had a wonderful time and they're still talking about the champagne fountain which both Ra and Jo took a turn at filling. Tremendous stuff ... especially when you consider they had something like 600 glasses in the stack and it managed to stay intact even though they had lots of lay-people close by and pouring bottles of champagne into and over it.

I cannot believe that Jo has already started her Christmas shopping. She's bought presents for Ken, Ra, and Ca so far - and knowing her, she's probably well on the way with others. She says she has to be organised since she's going to be away for the start of December - not getting back to the 22nd, by which time it's too late to do anything about Christmas shopping! (Little does she know that that's when I'm usually just starting mine!)

It was after 7 by the time I arrived back at Latimers; I don't think I would have been much earlier if I hadn't stopped in at Red Rooster to collect S's dinner - a Classic Pack. I don't know how these places survive - there were no other customers in-store and only a few cars went through the drive-thru while I was there. (Lars' driver's side window is being erratic so rather than risking it, I walked in-store.)

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