Thursday, June 14, 2012


If I didn't know better, I'd say that the Earth has shifted on its axis sometime over the last week. The Moon and the Sun seem to be in vastly different positions for only a week having passed - and a shift in the Earth's position relative to them would explain that. It could also explain why it's getter colder. Or it could just be what happens in Winter! But that's not nearly as thought-provoking ... and since author Ray Bradbury died last week (aged 91) we have to make our own fun now!

The good news is that since the Sun and the Moon are visible ... it’s not raining ... yet, although there is more inclement weather predicted for the coming days.

It was raining in the days leading up to the Second State of Origin match in Sydney yesterday which should have given Queensland the advantage (given last year’s Queensland weather) - but not to be. New South Wales aka the Blues romped in with 16 to Queensland's 12, making them the winners and pushing the teams to a decider which will be played early next month.

In all probability, but depending on the skill of his legal team, Allison-Baden-Clay's husband Gerard may not be out of prison to see it after last night, two months after he reported her missing, being charged with causing the death of his wife. There were a lot of people who weren't surprised by this turn of events, except perhaps that it had taken so long for him to be taken into custody. (Although, after the Chamberlain decision yesterday, I suppose it's dangerous to pass judgment without having the full details/evidence properly assessed and critically examined.)

Meanwhile, there were troubles closer to home ... specifically with the Plovers from Hermes' paddock. We were watching television last night when we realized they were very agitated and I went out to have a look. It took me ages of scanning the paddock with the torch, but finally I could see what the one Plover I could see was concerned about ... a fox. It was bitter-sweet - wonderful to see the fox, but not enjoying that part of nature which makes tiny just-hatched Plover chicks dinner for them. Both S and I looked for signs of them this morning and this afternoon, but the Plovers are gone. All we can hope is that they somehow managed to get away.

Which is what the Pimpama woman who was stuck in the AquaLoop at Wet’N’Wild did manage but not without damaging herself physically and being scared witless because she was worried others would come barreling through the “ride” and run into her. She’s suing for $400,000 on the basis that the amusement park did not give enough information about what to do/would happen if someone did get stuck - mind you, she was not stuck like Homer Simpson at the water park - wedged tight in the pipe - she was stranded in the ride because she had not picked up enough momentum at the entry point to complete the loop and shoot out the other side.

For a treat for Pearl today, I picked up some marrow bone - making sure it had been cut into pieces so she could get to the marrow (unlike last time when I bought a whole bone - not knowing any better - and it was a bit of a disaster). She had a great time gnawing on it and we were a bit surprised when she left it and came in for dinner ... and even more surprised when later in the evening she went out and brought the bone in and started gnawing on it in the living room. Hmmmm ... we didn't think that was quite the look we were after, and, in the end she did see it our way - but she was more than a little concerned when the bone disappeared (double-bagged in the fridge from where it will be rescued tomorrow) and took a while to settle.

Like a dog with a bone!
B stopped for a very quick chat when we passed in the lane while I was walking Pearl this afternoon. He was asking after M and when she'd be back - and mentioned that by the time she does return, there will be horses grazing in the back paddock (as long as D remembers to keep the gates shut) and keeping the grass down; B and K have already fixed the fences and are in the process of getting rid of the stump and they'll have a bobcat down there tomorrow to finish the job. We really are going to have to go down there and have a look - if we can get through the jungle of the back yard (just joking - it's only up to our ankles, and perhaps shins in one or two spots). Definitely mowing tomorrow or we're going to have to machete our way to the stables!

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