Saturday, June 2, 2012


If you don't put on 5 kilos while you're on holidays overseas, you haven't had a good time - such was the wisdom espoused at Zarraffas this afternoon. It's amazing what you can pick up in coffee shops - like there's an 18-year-old about to have her wedding in a town with three thousand (odd) people and everyone's invited (or did Inhear that bit incorrectly?). And people are still doing job interviews in coffee shops, well, at Zarraffas anyway. No wonder they continue to grow! Especially if they use the same business gauge as Starbucks (remember them) ... it used to be that if the queue was out the door in a Starbucks, it was time to build a new Starbucks!!

It rained again this afternoon so no ROM for me - but it will have to be soon so it doesn't get away from us. It really is amazing how much more slowly the grass grows over the winter months - you wouldn't credit it is the same lawn that you could actually hear growing in Summer!

The little black dog next door, Ebony, is under shelter this evening - L or someone over there has put in a lean-to for her ... and it's nice to see that she now has a place to put herself out of the rain (and sun if that ever comes back - with or without a vengeance).

Tink played "hard to get" this morning - so I let her go and definitely not following her as she put herself under the kitchen table, on the other side of the couches - anywhere she thought was out of reach. I waited at the door, loaded syringe in hand, knowing that once she decided to go out, all I needed to do was bend down to pat her as she was about to go - and give her the shot then ... and it worked - and, more importantly, neither of us was stressed or distressed by the experience. Hopefully we can keep it that way because, for the moment at least, those insulin injections have to continue - especially while M is overseas.

The preparations for M and Mouse's departure continues - out and about as well as here at home where it has turned into technology corner this evening. I'm loading some files onto M's iPad and making sure she has her devices backed up and ready for the trip. S cooked dinner for us (with some help from Mouse) and she and M are watching television between my interruptions - well, S is doing most ofnthe watching - or trying to (sorry S).

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