Saturday, August 31, 2013

Wednesday - Bingo and fires


There are fires in the area. We could see them last night and they are still burning this morning - leaving a thick pall of smoke over the Hinterland.

Maggie wanted to go out early this morning - before 5. I told her no but she didn't seem to appreciate that. I tried to buy her off with "special cookies" but she wasn't having any of that either ... although Tinka did magically appear out of nowhere and have the cookies I put down for her - and the ones Maggie didn't even touch. In the end, I went back to bed and Maggie followed and meowed at the door to go out until ... I'm not sure when ... because I fell asleep and when the alarm went off a coupleof hours later, she was sound asleep in the "nest" S had made for her.

Alas there was only one Winner at Bingo - M with a single line, as she said "lunch money". Em had joined them again today and they trooped across the road to Daniel Stuart for lunch.


Despite the smell of smoke heavy in the air it was very pleasant at Latimers this afternoon. I was out enjoying the outside when the others arrived home. Pearl was out with me too, watching the kookaburras ... or ... kookaburra - there was only one around today and it was being very cooperative ... or maybe it was just the camera settings and the light but finally I was pretty happy with a shot ... so much so that I may give the birds a rest tomorrow.


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