Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Monday - Wednesday

Well, there are some days I will never get back. But it was a good rest - if you call nearly 48 hours of sleep while deep in lurgy territory "rest". But I am feeling much better now and I think I'm going to be on deck and ready to go back to work tomorrow ... and this time I'll be more productive than I was on Monday ... it was all I could do to stay awake at my desk! That was my first clue that I wasn't feeling well! When I arrived home on Monday afternoon, I was getting ready to go to Trivia when Sooz thought it was probably better that I didn't go. As M said, I looked "like death warmed up". Amazingly I didn't feel like that until a bit later.

I have a couple of memories of yesterday ... one was that Mac came around and dumped something on the burning pile down the back. He said it was easier than doing it on Friday. I didn't question him on that. And that was about my only lucid memory of yesterday ... oh, wait, Sooz made lamb curry, the old-fashioned way. That was nice ... I had started with only a very small serve, but then had to have a touch more. Then it was back to bed for me. I think Maggie came with me at least for a while.

Today was just as vague. I woke up at five and had promised myself that I did, I would go to work, but once I had done breakfast for the furries, the only place I wanted to go was back to bed. I next woke up just as Sooz and M were going off to Aqua, then lunch, and some errands I think. Sooz picked me up some eye drops - and as soon as I put them in this afternoon when they returned, I realised how sore my eyes have been. (Sooz suggested they hadn't looked that great either.)

The one thing I do remember about Monday night is that the moon was absolutely fantastic! It was a Super Moon and it hung in the sky, yellow and enormous thanks to the Ptolemy effect.

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