Sunday, August 24, 2014


We breakfasted at The Big House - they do make the best toast. As Mouse pointed out, we (at least me) go to Spinners for toast and to Zen for the water. What can I say ... both are excellent! Would they have been more or less excellent without the wait this morning? We'll never know but I am sure there are some economic principles covering this - like Diminishing Utility which definitely didn't apply as that second piece of toast this morning was as good as the first. But what was absolutely marvellous - and which was amazing at first taste was the mashed potato at Mouse's this evening. Yum! They say your tastebuds become less sensitive as you age - so that mash really packed a punch! There was enough to send home for Fl who couldn't make it to dinner - he had a previous arrangement with his brother and The Bledisloe Cup. Pity ... he missed a great meal and a great evening.

Mouse, M and Sooz went off to see a movie at The Arts Centre this afternoon. I gave it a miss - I was planning to do some "stuff'' but didn't quite get there ... but that was okay because I caught up with Li and El on Skype. And with De on the phone. It i's amazing how things just keep happening to people! Both Li and El have retirement dates set now and they are busy planning their post-retirement activities including a trip up this way early next year.

Otherwise it was a quiet day of retail activity; Sooz and I found a couch we like - actually two - so we bought them. The good news is I scored a pen in the deal too!

Dinner was at Mouse's - cabbage rolls! It's been a while since we've had them - not since before Mouse and M went overseas. They are still as good! Is there nothing Mouse can't cook well? We haven't found it yet if there is something.

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