Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 109 (Thursday)

It's been a while since we've been up to the local for dinner on trivia night but we made it tonight. It hasn't been that long but still I didn't recognise the emcee as she has changed her hair colour since last we were there. It's funny what visual cues we use to recognise folk and how even a hair cut or seeing someone out of their usual context can be confusing to some.

The trivia was hard tonight, possibly because we are out of practice. But it got better once we pulled out the iPad to look up the answers ... and yes we did let the surrounding tables know that we weren't playing so we weren't cheating. We stayed until the end of the quiz but didn't stay for the results but from the noises as each answer was announced it was obvious there was some competition tonight. One of the prizes given is for second-last which means you can't just throw the competition - you have to get just the right number right - or wrong.

What trivia did make us think about, though, was song lyrics especially those to the duet which include the words "and then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I love you". Or maybe it's just those three little words.

The kids were all tucked up by the time we arrived home so we called it a very early lock down - so much so they had to wait at least an hour until supper cookie time. And why were they inside so early? We think it has something to do with that it is raining at Latimers again. And it has taken less than 24 hours of rain for the recently-filled potholes to be potholes again.

The mower went off to the mower place today and it will probably be away for the best part of a week now - and it may be easier to cope with the absence if the rain continues. But it was good that M got to do as much as she did before I took over - at least around the house is done and we'll be able to see any small snake friends if they choose to come around. We think M was joking when she pointed out the snake repellant device in the farmers' magazine yesterday - especially if it's anything like the early electronic cockroach repellers which reportedly had varying degrees of success.

The good news is that there have been no snake sightings for a while and believe me, we are looking out for them. There is no shortage of toads though and there were almost enough of them in the lane on the way home to form a guard of honour. It was very difficult to not hit any of them but we did our best. We could have done with a torch to get from the car to the house (to make sure we avoided the toads) but we didn't have one so we had to make do with the light from the screens of our mobile phones. This is where you regret the decision to take the tiny torch off your key ring the night before and then forget to put it back on.

Gold Coast girl turned tennis pro Sam Stosur is due back here in a minute and will be making an appearance at Queens Park on the weekend (all invited) when a tennis court is named after her. Also on the weekend, Peppers on (or is that "at") Broadbeach is gearing up for its opening - making it the Coast's latest 5-star hotel. And other stuff is sure to be happening .... If only road crews doing pothole patrol.