Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 125 (Saturday)

What does Pearl do all the time when she is here by herself? Does she guard the property so no-one can enter? Does she pine and wonder where everyone is? We know she doesn't gather up the avocadoes and bury them for later - but only because avocado season is over for this year. Does she do the same as she does all the rest of the time - just adding playing with people into her repertoire? We know she plays with the cats - although we're not quite sure what is is that she plays with the cats ... except that she has a special bond with Beazley who was the one that "raised" her.

She didn't come with us this morning when we went off to Caffe Republic - a new eatery we were trying out at Mermaid Beach which is "on the beach" - by which what people obviously mean to say is that it's a stone's throw from the beach (if you have a really good arm) but you can't see the beach from it. You can see "Millionaire's Row" though where the property costs upwards of ... a million dollars - and then some. Problem is there's no parking in the area when your friends come to visit.

Breakfast was good. We were impressed with the food and with the portion sizes - which were manageable but not skimpy. The staff were also very respectful - and the coffee good - and hot. But there was no denying that it has a very different feel from our usual haunts - hip and happening - and it is good to try new and exciting things. This is our third change in as many weeks and it's refreshing to know what's out there.

After breakfast we returned, replete, to Latimers and finally giving in to the nagging of my "to do" list, I took myself into the garage to find the objects I was missing: an extra thermos cup and my favourite tea cup/s (I have three of the same type to allow for breakages - but once these three are gone, I'll have to find another "favourite" ... haven't been back to the Ferry Road Markets Tea Shop yet). Also on the list - the filing cabinet, my Astro Boy shoulder bag and maybe an old pair of Apple mic-remote-headsets. Well, that I managed to extract some of them is good news - the tea cups and the filing cabinet are now inside - and I have made a good fist of tidying up one half of the garage - putting like things with like (why didn't we label them more clearly with tags that meant something? Of course, we thought at the time we were packing the boxes, we thought they did mean something but in retrospect S was much better at labeling than I was because, really, "General Electric" tells me little.)

An hour in the shed was more than enough and then S and I went off in search of hair cuts. The only thing that grows faster up here is the grass - and it really is doing it at the moment ... light rains, sultry days = take off the mulcher and set the mower blades lower.

We had Saturday night in - which we didn't need to because S woke up this morning completely recovered - and hungry. M had bought some leftovers home from Friday night dinner so we were happy not to have to cook (well, I was happy for S that she didn't have to).

M and Mouse were off tonight to the Casino to see "Genesis" - Joe Labero's new show. He's the one where the poster advertising the show has him pulling his head off and rabbits sitting in his collar (I may have mentioned that before ... I AM truly impressed by it). I even asked M and Mouse if they could do me a favor and scream when he did it - or when he put his head back on. But - horror of horrors - he didn't do it! False advertising! Harry Houdini would never have pictured a trick he wasn't going to perform in the show. But despite the omission, they seemed to enjoy it very much and came home with a photograph of the three of them (A went too) with Joe, and a program signed by him.

Meanwhile, back at Latimers, while they were off seeing illusions and maybe even true magic, S was catching up with her lifestyle programs and I was catching up with some work which I should have done yesterday but had been just a little slack. But given the financial forecast I'm preparing is going to be used at a meeting on Monday, I'd better make sure I finish the rest of it off tomorrow.

Just hope it doesn't take me away from the mowing too much, or the markets, or the plans to go and sit and watch some water somewhere for a while.