Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 119 (Sunday)

What a fantastic weekend! We finished it at the Casino last night, having dinner at Zen (thanks M) and slipping in to listen to the $5,000 draw on the hour (we were there for three - 6, 7 and 8) and then joining the exodus of other non-winners after each winner was announced. I also took the opportunity to note down the numbers at four of the roulette tables to see if there was any evident pattern and continue my small foray into "numbers". One day I may actually feel confident enough to have a bet - and not just on Roulette HD - an app for the iPad - even though it is pretty amazing.

As is the fact that M mentioned this evening that she thought (but would need to check in the morning) that another swallow nest may be under construction. Wouldn't that be amazing! Nature will prevail - that's what I think anyway every time I see a plant growing where you wouldn't think there was enough soil or water to keep it sustained - or even enough for a seed to have got purchase.

S did a great job with the washing today and was fairly lucky with the weather. It had started raining - just - as we arrived home from the markets and we were able to bring it under cover so it could finish drying.

The markets were good ... and we were celebrating Mouse's 85th birthday - with a cake M had picked up early (and I do mean early!) this morning. It looked fantastic and tasted pretty good as well. Especially as she had also brought along a fantastic Turkish table cloth for the table, plates (plastic) and cutlery (plastic and real), candles, blueberries and double cream. Excellent. And, because the markets are what they are and some people come late and some people come on time and the others are early, there were actually two candle-lightings - with Mouse not allowed to cut the cake with the first one. I had taken the camera - M and F did as well - so we took some decent shots to share with friends and family who couldn't be there. Continuing on the birthday theme, there is talk of a a dinner on Wednesday night - although this could be lunch. This will coincide with this year's celebration of Eid-Ul-Adha.

The cats were all in tonight when we arrived home from the Casino as it had been raining - although you wouldn't have thought so because there were very few toads on the road. Or perhaps they were all waiting for Junior MasterChef - the semi-final was on tonight and now Jack and Isabella will fight it out for the title of "Australia's first Junior MasterChef". They all made some incredible food last night, including Jack's snail porridge with rocket butter and beetroot twill. I cannot imagine what dishes these young people will be able to prepare when they are older because they are already blowing the judges' socks off. It's hard to believe they aren't even in their teens yet - and that the Chefs will have to wait a good few years before they can apprentice these talented folk. And what a joy it is to be able to watch them doing something they are obviously passionate about.