Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 121 (Tuesday)

The swallows have not started to rebuild the nest. Part of me is a bit sad that they have moved on although S did say there were some "looking around" yesterday. We'll just have to keep watching the skies. I saw a motorized hang-glider go over a couple of weeks ago but no balloons have been sighted for a while.

Uncle R came today and he and M spent some time down the back weeding and clearing. He also cut down the bananas and then hung them up in the garage - where the rope holding them up broke and S and M managed to tie them back up again but M thinks they need to be higher. Being high on the tree didn't help save them from whatever it is that eats them in the wild (no monkeys here though) because the riper ones seemed to have had a little chew on them.

For morning tea, M made a banana cake - making a bit of a change from S's banana bread which we have been enjoying of late at Latimers. It may or may not be true that it was the banana cake that "knocked" S out, sending her to bed for a very long nap afterwards. By all reports it was a great cake and even though I am not incredibly fond of walnuts (the cake was made to Cousin M's recipe and included them) I will try some. I had meant to after I finished mowing Hermes' paddock this afternoon but by that time it was getting a bit too close to dinner - and S had excelled herself with making another chicken curry. Yum.

But there must have been something in there because we had all retired by 9pm - M had even gone out and collected Tinker so they were all in and locked down by a quarter to nine.