Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 124 (Friday)

Poor S. Let me say that again ... Poor S. I neglected to mention that while we were at dinner last night, S complained of having wiggly lines in front of her eyes. This is usually the precursor of a migraine - something she has about twice a year but usually she jumps on it and she doesn't get the headache part of the migraine. She didn't this time either but she did get the nausea and the feeling of motion sickness. She started being unwell during the night and was up multiple times being physically sick - to a point where she had nothing left except ... and about here I'll stop before going into the details. If we'd been at home rather than staying over at the Casino Hotel, she probably would have had a (anti-nausea medication) and managed to control it. But we weren't and in the end we decided I'd pack the room and then drive her home. Except she was getting worse. To the point where she said she couldn't come with me so I went home to get the Maxolon so she could have it and I could then drive her home. I'm not sure why I didn't ring M at the time, just after 6 in the morning, to bring the Maxolon in. I will next time - if there is one but hopefully there will not be.

So, one round trip later, S had the Maxolon and I managed to get her home without her being violently ill - for which I will be eternally grateful. I remember the time S was helping look after a sick friend and she started vomiting while we were helping change her bed linen. I managed - just - not to do my usual sympathetic response then but I wasn't sure that was going to be possible today in the confines of the car.

Once tucked up safely in her bed, with the Maxolon starting to take hold proper and nurse Emma (the cat) at her side, S settled in to get some rest. I rang the doctor and booked her in for an appointment at midday - wanting to be on the safe side and make sure she was in no discomfort if she didn't need to be.

She got the all-clear from the doctor and prescriptions for nausea control and for migraines should they return. And settled back in to bed to recuperate and wait for the last residues of the migraine (if that's what it was) to subside.

Also on the sick list for part of the day was N who developed a gastric bug this afternoon - fantastic timing given she jets off to Canberra tomorrow to take up her new role with the Treasury Department.

So, no Friday night dinner for us this week! I could have gone without S but I wanted to be on hand in case she wanted/needed anything. So S and Em stayed in the bedroom while Beazley and I took over television land to watch Indiana Jones. He didn't seem to mind that there weren't any crocodiles in it.

M was still out at dinner when LockDown arrived so I encouraged all the cats to come in (read "carried Tink") so we could close the doors and start settling in for the evening.