Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 113 (Monday)

It could be one of the greater small mysteries of life: when Kathy started cleaning at Latimers, why is it that I never got caught with the shower attachment facing the wrong way - pointing at the showerer - and turned on - resulting in a small flood of cold water over them and the bathroom floor. M asked last night after she was caught yet again - and while I knew it had never happened to me, I had thought that we, S and I, had made it through - then it occurred to me ... While M was away, Kathy always came on a Friday and on Saturdays, S has first shower - she indulges me because I have first shower during the week and sometimes it's nice just to have the opportunity to have a little bit of a lie-in. I checked with S and yes! - she had been caught by the shower, but she had never mentioned it!

Just for a change, I decided to walk the rubbish up to the road this evening. I have been trying to up my steps (I even bought a new battery for the pedometer so I could count them efficiently) now that I am working at the new job and realized that if I'm busy, it's fairly easy to just sit at my desk. So rather than popping in to a coffee shop on the way home, I made a bee-line for Latimers, caught up with S, and then hand-towed the rubbish up to the road. I admit it, I was sensible about it - not being the fittest person in the world (or even at Latimers) - I didn't want to overdo it on my first time out. It was good - nothing like walking in the city - mind you I didn't usually take the Otto bin with me when I walked around Marrickville in Sydney. It was glorious though and I realized that despite M's numerous efforts to get us up to the road on foot, this was the first time I had done it. Well worth the outing. I was glad M arrived home while I was doing it though, otherwise I might foolishly have attempted to tow the recycling up as well! M did that - and then dropped Pearl off on the way back so both she and I could enjoy the walk back down the hill. Pearl really did - even when Amanda came out and told her not to wee on her garden. I'm not sure if it was better or worse that Pearl wasn't actually weeing on the garden, but dropping fresh fertilizer instead. Amanda appeared to appreciate the effort. I hope L and M did as well when Pearl did it again outside their place.

S made dinner tonight and we ate a very scrumptious spaghetti bolognese (with various pasta types in the mix) as we watched Junior MasterChef. The cheflings were competing for the last two places in the final and they all did such a great job it was a shame to see any of them go.

It's raining again tonight (it did overnight last night as well) and still the mower isn't home. Sigh.