Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 117 (Friday)

Why do they call them March Flies when they bite in November? M nobly jumped between Hermes and a March Fly and was bitten for her trouble. It (the bite site) has turned into a large red welt and she finally succumbed and took an anti-histamine tonight to help relieve the itch and pain. Unfortunately, the only anti-histamine that S had was one that caused drowsiness - and, as it turned out, a general feeling of unwellness. Realising the first half, M took it before we went to Friday night dinner - being held tonight at M and F's - so I drove because one should always take notice of the contra-indications, warnings and instructions noted on pharmaceutical product packets. Unfortunately the second half only became known once we were there and M valiantly tried to fight it off but came across as fairly low-key for the evening. The other M was not totally 100% and F had spent the day tiling as was pretty worn out - so much so that he joined M lying on the couch - he assured us he had "assumed the position" and then promptly fell asleep. He woke up a short time later saying that was his "power nap" and we noted that it couldn't have been the only one he needed because he was asleep again within minutes. Such is the end of week sometimes - so we called it an early night - especially as we had feasted on M's special lasagne, rice pudding and, for others, freshly-baked brownies and ice cream. Yum.

Once home, the others had early nights and I sat up late with Beazley as we did a spot of television watching. I should have gone to bed too because I later had to pretend I hadn't been woken up when S came out of the bedroom. But it would have been a shame if I had had to move because Beazley was resting his head on my lap!

For no real reason save it was Friday, Joan and I decided to leave the site and have lunch today at The Fish Bone. They absolutely do the best chips there. And I liked it because the fish bites didn't taste like fish at all - possibly they would to the more discerning palette but because I'm not that in to fish, I didn't mind at all (read "was ecstatic").

We sat out with the swallow's nest for a while this evening and there appears to be no activity there at all - but before the nest comes down (with some human intervention) someone is going to have to check it. I nominate M.