Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 118 (Saturday)

The swallow nest is no more.  First thing this morning, even before breakfast (but after we were up and showered and dressed) the ladder came out of the shed – both ladders but we used M's because hers is actually taller and was tall enough to allow her to reach the nest – and up she went to first check that there were no eggs in there (there were definitely no birds – and if there had been we would have been able to see them from the ground) and then scraped it off the wall.  It fell in one large bit and a couple of smaller pieces.  It's amazing to think there could have been two parent birds and five babies in there at any stage let alone just a few weeks ago.


As part of the exercise – clean up that area – we also moved the walking machine from there around the back. Hopefully now that it is out of the traffic flow and we can have it connected to the power most of the time, it will actually get some use.  It has been a while since it has been tread on.


Then it was time for breakfast.  M had had a recommendation of The Coast Café but when we arrived (okay, after we'd say down) I pointed out that it was under new management, they were advertising for chefs, and when they gave we three our menus, there were only two.  So we moved across the road to Koi which was good (as we knew it would be because we have been there before).


Then, I decided I wanted to do some writing – overlooking the water.  Funnily enough, even though it is the Gold Coast, we could only think of one café overlooking the water – and that's at Currumbin – The Elephant Rock Café.  I had wanted something a little closer if possible. So, moving to still water – there is a café called Bumbles, which is at the back of Surfers Paradise at a place called Budds Beach.  We went there and it was totally wonderful.  We found a table and seat across the road from the café – in shade and overlooking the sand of the river bank. People were swimming, there were some seagulls and a lone ibis (to remind us of Sydney) and we relaxed with a juice and takeaway coffee from the café.  Bliss and heaven on a stick.


On the way home we went in search of the site of the new Zarraffas at Nerang.  M had told us about it at dinner last night and as we drove home we looked for it but couldn't find it. But this time, we had the address, and found signage on the side of the building!  The opening is still at least a fortnight until it opens but we will be ready for it.


The mower was returned in a wonderful pristine condition – and it was almost still in that condition when I'd finished mowing the yard.  I didn't give it the shortest cut it's ever had but I did want to. 


But you should always be careful what you wish for.  When we saw "Red" the other night, we saw the trailer for "Skyline" and it looked like a disaster movie I wanted to see.  Surprisingly, S and M said they would come along as well. Who knew it was going to be as bad as it was.  "Disaster" was exactly the right word to describe it – although, thinking about it more, may be "Disaster" is even too kind. – but a rating of -27 is right on the money as far as I'm concerned.