Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Monday - Rain and Trivia

Finally ... some more rain. It looked very overcast this morning and we knew the cloud cover was relatively low because the sound of planes flying high overhead was bouncing down on the valley. At first I thought it was thunder, M thought it was a balloon (but it was far too non-fine for that) but as I walked Pearl down the lane, it became clear - when I saw a plane fly through a break in the closest layer of cloud.

The rain started as I drove S into (Volunteer at) Play Group in Nerang. It was just spitting then but it became heavier later ... I had to move inside from my table at Coffee Break Nerang (that's the name of the coffee shop in the Post Office/Cinema complex - but will I remember it?).

Overnight we found out (from FaceBook although if M had been awake she could have responded to Mi's late night text asking if she was awake - which came just before the

FaceBook post) that Lu was awarded a scholarship to Berklee Music College - much cause for celebration ... and they were - and that's why Fl wasn't at Trivia tonight - he was celebrating with the family - and having a farewell dinner for his brother's family who are just about to go on holidays overseas.

So we had a different team at Trivia tonight. Ni is back from overseas so she and St were there, S and I, and Ne - who is about to move back to Brisbane in a couple of weeks - came as well. Alas, we didn't win tonight but we did come a respectable fourth considering we didn't do very well in the picture rounds ("Who Am I?" and "Alcoholic Beverages" - just our luck to get these two without Fl there). We were expecting to have An back - she and An are back from their travels but she continues to be unwell - she has picked up a lurgy now which has laid her low - and meant she couldn't be at Trivia - so she doesn't infect us - and, as she said, she's hoping she wasn't contagious when we went around there yesterday.

It was raining on the way home tonight - and there was a huge storm in the near distance -and as we got closer to Latimers, a massive lightning strike rent the sky - lit it up for nearly three seconds. It was therefore only a little bit of a surprise when we arrived home and the power was out - but not at the neighbours, so we figured something must have tripped a circuit - and once we reset them they were fine.

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