Sunday, November 20, 2011


Finally it's the weekend but ... even better it's the weekend of the work Christmas party (it seems to get earlier every year) which means S and I are off to Brisbane, where we'll stay overnight and then drive back tomorrow in time for the Hinze Dam BBQ. Alas, we won't be back in time for the Markets - which will mean we have missed them two weeks in a row (sigh) - but that means we will have them next week to look forward to.

Which is no doubt what Pearl does each week as she waits for Saturday to roll around so she can come out to breakfast with us. And this morning was no exception. She is so patient - waiting for all of us to arise, have cups of tea (or not), take Emma outside for a drink of the other water and a roll in (and chew of) the grass, then for the non-furries to shower and dress - and, most importantly, come up with a plan for the day which, I thinks should always, without question, include having breakfast out with Pearl and, if time allows, also taking her for a walk in the dog park! Then ... well ... it's open for discussion and/or debate.

We managed to fit in breakfast at Sisters this morning with Pearl, Mouse, M, S and I - and then we were joined for coffee by F and Mi. It was a lovely interlude before we took Pearl back to Latimers, packed our bag, and headed north to Brisbane.

I'd love to say it was an uneventful trip but if I did, I would be lying. Just after we came off the Motorway at South Bank the car decided it would start spluttering and then it got worse. It was like we had no power at all - even with the pedal to the metal (seriously) and we willed rather than drove the car the last kilometre and up the hill and over the slight rise into the motel driveway.

The RACQ man was very good - there within half an hour - and, unable to replicate the problem, offered some suggestions as to what it might be. He also checked the oil and, on finding it low, climbed under the car to look for oil leaks - and that was when he noticed the front right tyre was definitely not well. We went to put the spare on but he was not happy with that one either (who checks the spare? It hasn't seen the light of day, by my hand anyway, since we got the car!) and was unwilling to swap them over. And, he cautioned me, you shouldn't be driving on that tyre! It was just a pity this was 4:30 on a Saturday afternoon when most retail outlets for tyres were no longer open for the weekend. Thank goodness for the Internet though - so I could check to see where the nearest tyre retailers are and start ringing around - without even the slightest grain of success. Thank goodness for locals - some of the colleagues at tonight's party are locals and should be able to offer suggestions - and failing that, ie finding a tyre place open on a Sunday, we can stay overnight tomorrow night, have it fixed on Monday and then make our way home.

But right now it's time to go out the front to meet J and her husband and get a lift with them to the party!

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