Monday, November 14, 2011


It would have been so easy to stay in The Big House this morning and I think part of me must have wanted to because I set all three of my alarms badly last night. When I woke at 5, I rolled over and went back to sleep thinking I'd be up in another half an hour and have a fairly leisurely start to the day. As it was though I did manage to wake up only 45 minutes late and, after missing breakfast at Zarraffas, I made it to work on time - lucky because it was going to be a big day.

M had another lunch today and after that she was going to take S home to Latimers. After the disappointment of the pool at The Big House being closed over the weekend, it was due to open again this morning and if it wasn't too hot, S was planning to finally have the swim she's been looking forward to. It just isn't the same trying to swim in the bathtub - but it was lovely having a bath in one!

It was good to see the furries when I arrived home this evening (after afternoon coffee with J - all is well on that front). Pearl raced out to meet me and after a quick pat she ran off, and then raced back, and ran off again. Not quite sure exactly what she was up to but she didn't end up going up with M to drop off the rubbish. Pearl tried to get up into the four-wheel-drive but wasn't able to make the jump this time; hopefully she didn't injure herself. While M took the rubbish, Pearl and I played tug-a-ball for a little while although I didn't let her pull too hard so she wouldn't get a "helping" injury.

Emma was very affectionate this evening and, oblivious to my cat allergy, used me to play Sound of Music - as in Climb Every Mountain. She likes it and it's worth a dose of itchy eyes and skin to make her happy. I miss her while we're away and I think she knows when we're going because S keeps collecting photographs of Emma packing herself in the overnight bag.

I'm supposed to be working on my tax this evening - after I finish watching Junior MasterChef. One of the kids has just cooked a dish with lamb brains and the chefs have suggested that since he has never tried lamb brains before - he could taste them. "I thought that was your job" he replied.

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