Saturday, November 26, 2011


Little Emma is a tad unwell again so we are monitoring her closely and trying to figure out what it might be. We have also taken her off insulin until she is able to keep all her food down because we don't want to run the risk of her having a hypo, especially when we are out. If S or I are around it's not so bad because we know that we can always give her some sugar water (or a little honey around the mouth) but if we weren't here to notice and act then the consequences are something we would rather not think about.

And on the subject of insulin, M had Beazley back to the vet this afternoon for another BGL check and his readings were pretty good - so good, in fact, that they have now dropped him back to 2 units morning and night. M says he is getting much better about going to the vet (he used to hate it) and she settles him in the car by telling him his story and about his mother and how he went to live first at Country Crescent and then at Latimers. It's important for people, even furry ones, to know their story or in Beazley's case, history.

Well, 1 year, 7 months and 10 days after arriving here I have finally done it ... applied for a local driving licence. I'm not quite sure why the delay but yesterday I just knew it was time - and I was very pleased to find that my licence number numbers added up to 33 (my lucky number - one of them anyway). They took my old licence and gave me a letter to carry until my new smart-chip photo licence arrives in the post! Very exciting!

While it was off for part of the week, by the time we arrived to today, Friday Night Family and Friends Dinner was back on again. It was M's turn - and everyone loves M's turn - and tonight was at Zen. It could have been me but I thought everyone was just a bit low-key - Mouse was as quiet as, F's eyes were sore and irritated after watching The Immortals in 3D, and Mi was debriefing after her translator exam - but nevertheless the company was great (as always) - as was the food. Mmmm ... noodles.

It was still quite early by the time we arrived back at Latimers so Beazley and I settled on the couch - and we would have watched a movie but there wasn't anything we were both interested in - so he tolerated an episode of "Family Guy" and then when it was his turn to choose what to watch next - he was fast asleep. I guess going to the vet takes it out of him!

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