Thursday, November 17, 2011


This morning as I was getting ready, I noticed I had carried my camera inside - it usually lives in the car just in case I chance upon something I want to photograph with a camera rather than with the camera of the mobile phone. I remembered having that thought as I rounded the corner near the school and saw that a Balloon Aloft was not so much aloft as hovering three or so feet above the ground and was being towed and pushed by a couple of enthusuastic chaps. D'oh - no camera. And I went double d'oh when I rounded the next bend and saw that another Balloon Aloft was landed there but still inflated. I drove past and then turned around and came back for another look - and lamented knowing that without a real camera I would not be satisfied with any pictures I took. D'oh, d'oh and d'oh again.

Of course, the day had to get better than there - so let's not even go to the end of the day when M and I went in to The Big House for CSP only to find that whereas one table was "broken" last night, both of them were "offline" today - so no CSP for us or anyone else. But we did have a nice noodles and vegetables dinner at Zen - and a laugh when one of the wait staff was taking a photo of some patrons using their iPhone - and switched between the front and back cameras for the first shot so took a lovely shot of him doing a funny face ... the next photos were of them and serious - but that will be a nice surprise for them one day. It's nice to see that some people still have a good sense of fun.

While at The Big House, M and I also went upstairs on the off-chance that the man who had been there yesterday was again ... he was and I'm still trying to come to terms with how someone can wager $ 90,000 in a spin of the roulette wheel. But he did seem to be doing well, although I was still surprised when the wheel span and it came up with one of the few numbers he had not covered.

It was another hot day at Latimers - and we are hoping it doesn't get too much hotter too quickly because there appears to be a problem with the septic tank which M is having someone investigate tomorrow. She seems to be fairly sure that it the "trenches" which act as a filter for moisture to be drawn from the tank.

It's Mouse's 86th birthday tomorrow and we're all looking forward to helping her celebrate.

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