Sunday, November 13, 2011


It's sometimes hard waking up in a different bed - especially when you wake up and can't work out exactly where you are. That's what happened this morning as I fought my way out of sleep and thought ''What... where am I?" lt may have had something to do with the light coming out of the closet (we definitely weren't at Latimers!)

It was a good day all round. We managed, finally, to get to see Midnight in Paris, the new Woody Allen film and despite some tepid reviews, S, M, Mouse and I enjoyed it -immensely. Could it have something to do with Allens ability to make a City of Romance seem even more romantic? The opening scenes were magnificent although S mentioned that those opening shots seemed more yellow than she remembered - a way for filmmakers to make them appear warmer.

Travel, to Rio rather than Paris, was the prize on offer at The Big House this afternoon. I'm sure the person who won will do good things with the $35.000. She took the money rather than the trip. F and Mi came in for the draw as well, and we managed to squeeze in a few hands of CSP ($354,000) during the afternoon.

Lunch was good too - at the MBD in Broadbeach. Not sure what MBD stands for though, but it was a very scrumptious sandwich. M and Mouse sang the praises of their breakfast as we ate our lunch and they drank coffee because they couldn't fit another thing in. Their breakfast was brunch and it seems the tables were groaning with all good things.
S and I managed to get to Cheeseland (the Executive Lounge) this evening. Alas, by the time we arrived, the sun had already set and we couldn't see the almost-full moon but we knew it was out there.

All is well at Latimers - and they had some rain out there this evening - a storm - but M was at home to help them not be too afraid although she may not have gathered the furries around her on the bed and soothed them with a stirring rendition of "These are a few of my favourite things" as S suggested.

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