Sunday, November 27, 2011


How does Pearl know it's Saturday? Does she have advanced consciousness as suggested by one of the "Two of Us" interviewed in today's The Sydney Morning Herald's The Good Weekend? Or does she secretly keep a calendar and mark off the days waiting for the end of the week (a bit like some workers)? However she does it, she does know - and is always excited when Saturday rolls around. Breakfast out day! Walk in the park day! And that's just me - I can't imagine what else she thinks about - maybe the possibility of slipping into the dog park lake for a quick swim, making herself drink out of the common water bowls dotted around the walking track, meeting other furries, trying not to get motion sick in the back of the car, where else she might go to on the way there or back?

I wonder if the cats enjoy Saturday as well? Knowing they can do what they like because Pearl hasn't been left in charge - I'm guilty of that, I don't ever tell one of the cats they're in charge when we're leaving - it's always Pearl - which I think is because I think she's taller she's older, but that isn't actually true! Do they spend the week planning what they'll do while Pearl's gone: while the dog's away the cats will play?

We took ourselves to Bunnings today in search of a wind machine for S as the weather is starting to get hotter and she is starting to feel very uncomfortable in the heat. It was good management and clever thinking on the part of Bunnings that they had a good selection of the fans set up so people could try them before going home, assembling the fan (if required) and finding out it was either too big, not big enough, too blowy or not blowy enough - or that they couldn't actually use it for blowing the furniture around the room.

S is incredibly happy with our purchase and spent the afternoon with it - and so effective was it that at one point when she was having a nap, she had to pull up the covers because she was too cool. I'm sure we are going to have many wonderful hours with it - and I'm now just wondering if we are going to make room for it in the car when we go off to Sydney over the Christmas-New Year Break!

There was a draw at The Big House this afternoon and I'm sure the winner is going to be very happy with the cash or the holiday to Los Angeles - there was so much general hubbub and noise happening when the winner picked the correct envelope we didn't actually get to hear whether they chose the money or the cash - oops, holiday - I think we probably now know what I would have chosen!

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