Sunday, November 27, 2011


Well, T must either have been delayed on their return from the Great Hawaii 5-0 trip or they're home but jet-lagged because our usual Skype call didn't happen. I was there and ready in case she came on-line - I think I knew that there was a chance it may not happen - from 7:30 to 8:30 and when the time was up, I had fruit salad breakfast with S and M (thanks M) and we set off for the Markets.

It feels like ages since we've been to the Markets - was it only last week that we missed while we were in Brisbane? No, there was also the week before when we were at The Big House wasn't there? And were we there the week before that? I really do have to keep better notes in my calendar! Ah yes, that's right, the week before The Big House was when M and A came back from overseas!

They were there this morning and A was trying not to look too excited at the thought of N moving back up To Brisbane - in less than a fortnight now. it appears that she is going to drive her car up now, rather than having it transported, and her friend Cat is going to make the trip up with her. When A was telling us this, M was assuring her that it is a great drive up now and that they could easily do it in a day. I was listening intently and trying to believe her because that's the drive S and I will be making in a month's time.

After the Markets (a particularly good session we thought) we went off to Robina for some air-conditioned shopping comfort. It was just a pity I left the pedometer at home because it would have been good to know how many steps we did because we managed to do quite a few. And for a while it looked as though we would be doing a good few more because the parking lot was absolutely jam-packed full - and, quite disappointingly, the parking lights (green for a vacant space) were working "Big House"-style - as in not working properly at all. In the end, we stalked a family who were walking back to their car - they seemed laden down with what had to be the majority of their shopping - and since they were all going back, rather than just one or two ferrying goods - we felt it was a fair bet to follow them. And it paid off!

We were back at Latimers by mid-afternoon and despite my best intentions to work on my tax, I found myself watching (through one eye which is almost ironic given what happens to one of the characters) one of the Final Destination movies. But there's still time to knuckle down and do that tax - so I'd better get to it.

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