Tuesday, March 27, 2012


It was Family N Friends dinner tonight and Mi and F hosted - or F would have if he hadn't been off at the movies with the boys. They had already been to see John Carter when they decided they also needed to see The Hunger Games (while it will still be playing next week on their movie day, there are two more films dues for release which they would prefer to see then). So it was just we girls until he arrived - and not all of us either as M was delayed as she had to take The Great K to the airport (he is going home for the weekend to attend his family's yearly birthday dinner - three out of four of them have their birthdays within four days so they celebrate in style!)

Mi made a very tasty dinner - including mashed potato for me because she knows I prefer that to rice (thanks Mi!) As we sat and chatted before dinner, Mi shared the Graham Norton Show she had taped earlier in the week. It featured Gerard Depardieu who had a gap in his smile from a tooth lost through an encounter with Jamie Oliver fare - they didn't give details of the dish that had done it. Also on the guests' couch was Damian Lewis, the male lead of Homeland. We really do have to catch up with that - although now the season is finished it's not such an issue that we are going to see (unintentional) spoilers masquerading as the trailers for the coming week's episode.

It was a later night than I'm used to - especially since there have been a couple of later-than-usual nights already this week - but at least there's the opportunity of having a sleep-in in the morning.

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