Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Well, that was poorly planned - on a number of levels. I rocked up at the pathology lab to have a blood test taken - and found out that I was half-an-hour early, and by that time it was too late to go across to the other one in Nerang - because at least this way I would be second in line (I wasn't the only one who got it wrong!). So much for my ability to successfully read a website - and even worse that I had tried to tell them that their site was wrong before I had triple-checked (because the double-check produced the same result).

Then, and I had known this some weeks ago, I was booked in at work for an allergy test - which I thought would be one where they prick your arm with a number of antigens and see what happens - but it was a RAST test (hopefully that will be a trivia question at some stage) and they took (more) blood for it. But at least I learned something about allergies during the seminar that preceded the test.

I had a quick visit to Zarraffas this afternoon before heading home to take the rubbish for a drive up to the road, and deciding that there wasn't enough in the recycling bin to take it up.

Then Pearl and I went for a walk down to B's shed while S fed the cats. I prefer to take her out rather than locking her in M's room ... although I still had to do that as the cats hadn't quite finished by the time we arrived back. Pearl was fantastic on the walk though, staying with me when I asked her to and not racing ahead (I figured she would know she was being kept out because it was cat feeding time - and even if she hadn't intuited it (I'm not sure that's a word but it's supposed to mean "come to by means of intuition"), she probably would have heard them calling for S to hurry up with preparing their dinners and hand it down to them already.

Emma is not her usual chirpy self - laying low in the wardrobe for most of the day. But she is eating (not as much as usual), and drinking, and doing all the other things we watch - but she just seems low-key. If she doesn't start eating all her dinner/breakfast, we're going to see about not giving her insulin ... and we have had the thought that now she's lost more weight, we may be giving her too much insulin. Her blood sugar levels were fine when we took her to the vet the other day - and it certainly isn't something we thought to ask at the time.

M's allergic reaction to whatever bit her yesterday continues and has not fully responded to the anti-histamines; hopefully it will.

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