Tuesday, March 6, 2012


It was raining again this morning and even though there is a severe weather warning in place for the Gold Coast and South-East Queensland, it wasn't enough to keep me away from work! Pity.

There was time to catch up with some news before work (I don't always) - how Senate vacancies are filled and something about medical examinations which is too serious to even start to go into here - let alone the story about China's latest hit program! I wasn't the only one catching up on the news: S was listening to the Health Report with Norman Swan and said they reported on a study of sedentary office workers - one group who did their normal thing, and the other where folk stood up and moved about for 2 minutes every 20 minutes. These folk had much lower blood sugar levels compared to the others.

I'm not sure if the bad weather eventuated - I didn't get to look outside let alone go outside until it was finally (an hour later than usual) time to leave. Come to think about it, someone did say that they walk been planning to go for a walk outside (just after lunch) but had been thwarted by a downpour. It looked dry most of the way home but when I drove into Latimers Valley it looked like it had been raining all day - and still was! There is some talk that a cyclone may be forming off the SEQ coast but we'll have to wait to see if that happens.

C was feeding Holly and Dolly as I drove in this afternoon and the three dogs were watching from their vantage point - in the middle of the road. They were content to sit there and had there been room I would have driven around them but in the end C had to come back over and shoo them off the road. But at least Spot is learning a little road sense (except the not sitting in the middle of it) and doesn't chase after the car as you drive past now.

It was far too wet to mow this afternoon - which I sometimes judge by the amount of water in the yard and the number of furries lounging around inside the house ... an indicator of his truly wet it is. Even Tink was in this afternoon! Mouse, on the other hand, was out this morning. She is feeling a little better and had taken herself on a big walk (to the newsagent to pay her bill) before going off to Monday Mahjong! She is truly an amazing woman and, frankly, an example to us all. M is no slouch either - she took herself to stretch class again today - I think she's currently doing two classes a week - today's and an advanced one on Fridays. In preparation for the Global Corporate Challenge (starting in a couple of months) I am increasing my daily steps rate and feel someone ought to warn the walking machine that its days of rest and leisure are about to come to an end!

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