Friday, March 9, 2012


I had never thought about it before tonight but there is a time when the moon becomes "full". I had always thought of it as being full moon on a day, as opposed to there being a specific time, let's call it a minute, that is is full and then it starts becoming un-full again. Today, full moon was just after 6 this morning ... I think. I was too busy digesting the idea that it is only full for a moment to be embedding the details in my brain. But, regardless of that, it still "looked" full this evening when we saw it from the top of the hill, near the Advancetown Hotel.
Luckily it wasn't/hadn't been raining so we had an unimpeded view of it rising above the sunset-pink clouds - and yes, of course, I took a photo (well, a few actually). That was the second photo I'd taken today - the other was of the freshly mown lawn at Latimers (to share with M). I gave ROM a fairly good workout this afternoon, doing all of the house yard except for the small front patch. The newly-serviced ROM didn't do a bad job, although it is still a bit uneven in places - like the deck's still not level, but it seems to be. I know this because I checked to see if the R pin was still holding it in place, in the right place, and it was - although, now that I think about it, I didn't check both sides. D'oh. Ah, well, that's a job for tomorrow - or maybe even the weekend. I was impressed when Pearl came up to join me as I was finishing blowing grass off ROM, and then walked back to the house with me. I'm not sure what she wanted - there wasn't a ball in sight and I think she had already had her dinner.
We did Trivia again tonight at the local and it was again a good night. It would have been better if we had won - but we were handicapped because we were last week's victors. But even with a 6-point deduction, we still managed to come in second. I always find it amazing what facts are stored in our brains ... and how we can retrieve them at the right time .... and then discount that answer because we're not absolutely sure it's right. But as I told S last night, even if we don't know the answer, it's better to put something down so we at least still have a chance of getting it right. I thought the questions were harder tonight - and that's not even counting the music questions. S suggested we could start boning up on music - popular and otherwise - but I suggested we might be better off finding someone who knows music and coercing them to come along on Thursday nights instead.
I took a photograph of our form tonight and I want to do some work on it in Photoshop to make it into an invitation. It's my birthday next week and I'm hoping to get some folk to come out to Trivia to celebrate (so I finally get my games night!).

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