Wednesday, March 21, 2012


It was another day of not getting on ROM. Not that it's because I didnt want to, because I do: this time it was having to visit the doctors' to collect some blood test results - including the allergy tests work had organised at the start of last week (wow, that seems like a very long time ago now).

After all that, I didn't get back to Latimers until nearly six-thirty especially as the doctor was running a little late (if you call an hour "a little late") but I was able to use the time looking up YouTube for how to do Math problems - J's teenage daughter had asked for help with her homework - although really I think it was J, especially since she was getting a little frustrated when I couldn't commit to coming up there for an afternoon this week to do it. It did make me question the purpose and use of hornework. I can't believe students are sent away with homework that they have no clue how to do! Ah well, thank goodness for the interweb, I was able to send them links to a few sites that looked pretty useful.

Meanwhile, back at Latimers, M was on the phone with the ratings people whe wanted to grace us with "the box" (one of 5.000 in Australia) to help determine the Nation's viewing patterns. Of course, being the helpful trendsetters we are, the answer was yes.

Not sure why but B hadn't returned the empty bins from the roadside by lockdown at Latimers. That's very unlike him - and means we'll have to go and fetch ours before the pile of rubbish growing here on the recycling bin (as we await return of the rubbish bin) gets much bigger. It's amazing how the cat litter builds up when there are four cats using it.

Em had some toast and Vegemite with S today and seemed to like it as much as she used to - which is to say that she did (enjoy it).

What the rest of we humans enjoyed - on some level we must have because we kept doing them (two, actually, and they took ages!) Target words - where you have to get a certain number of words of four letters or more - all using the nominated letter - plus, and this is the one we're more concerned with - finding the 9-letter word. Aaarrgh - and just can't stop doing it until you have it. And to think I was chuffed with myself at how quickly I had finished Mouse's puzzles this morning!


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